Teenagers Don't Get Enough Sleep

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Not Enough Sleep
Here’s a look into an average high school classroom during first period. Kids are slowly shuffling in, reluctant to take their seats. Some grip their coffee cups, depending on those 2 cups of caffeine to get them through the day. Others have given up completely, with their head on the desk and a small puddle of drool forming on the desk. A majority of the kids will arrive just as the bell is rings, the ones who hit the snooze button too many times. While others who take their time in the morning, walk in just before the period ends. Why is this classroom such a dull scene? I forgot to mention it’s 7:50 in the morning and it’s a classroom full of teenagers, who are the most exhausted generation of adolescents.
A teenagers natural body clock does not coincide with our busy schedules. Our peak of energy usually does not occur until after 5 PM. Younger kids who are getting close to 10 hours of sleep enjoy their late start for school. While the sleep deprived teenagers wake up before the sunrise to catch their bus. It's too early for teenage minds to function properly...

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