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Causes and effects of teen-age depression
Causes and effects of teen-age depression
Cause of depression
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Being a teenager is not as easy as you think, as you grow older life becomes more complicated and frustrating. Sometimes, you get lost. You don’t know what do, you don’t know who to trust anymore and unsure of the path you wish to embark upon. You find it hard to enjoy the things you once found pleasure in. As time passes by the feeling doesn’t stop and then there will come a point that you’ll discover something terrifying. You’re depressed. The world doesn’t seem as beautiful anymore. You don’t want anybody else to help you. You have become an introvert now. You’ll feel as if you don’t have any worth in this world anymore for days or months at a time. Sometimes the pain feels lighter. It’s because time heals all wounds. I chose this topic because I know a few people with depression and honestly speaking, it’s not easy. I know that this research will be beneficial to many people.
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person 's thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view
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Its symptoms often differ, too, so many depressed teens are dismissed as simply being “difficult” or “delinquent.” Yet it is a serious problem, particularly when one considers the high rate of depression-related suicide among teenagers. Because its symptoms are varied and often subtle, depression at any age can be hard to identify. Many people, particularly teens, who are undergoing so many changes that affect mood and behavior are unaware that they are depressed. Even when they seek treatment, it is often only for the physical symptoms, such as sleeplessness or fatigue, and not the actual underlying cause. Many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering teen depression, those factors include - having issues that negatively impact self-esteem, such as obesity, peer problems, bullying, or academic
Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how a person conducts him/herself, and the way he/she think. Depression may include anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, manic depressions. People with a depressive illness cannot merely ‘pull themselves together’ and get better. About 5% of the population will have some form of a mental illness at some point in their lives. Half of these people will also have a substance abuse
According to National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), depression is a mood disorder that impairs both social and occupational functioning. Depression affects the way you feel, think, and executes the daily task, such as eating, working or sleeping. For an individual to be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.
People constantly overlook the severity of depression, more importantly, major teen depression, which presents a legitimate obstacle in society. The intensity of teen depression results from society’s general lack of acknowledgement of the rising affair. In 2012, “28.5% of teens were depressed” and 15.8% of teens contemplated the option of suicide (Vidourek 1 par. 1), due to their major depression going unnoticed or untreated for. Even teenagers themselves often ignore their depression or remain in denial because neither them nor anyone else recognizes the signs. “A sudden change in behavior is a main sign of someone being depressed, which could lead to having suicidal thoughts,” stated Pam Farkas, a clinical social worker in California (Aguilar 1 par. 8). The warning signs and risk factors of teen depression include behavioral issues, social withdrawal, and inadequate interest in activities (Adolescents and Clinical Depression 2 par. 3), yet the unawareness of these signs does not allow professional medical attention to intercede. Deaths, illnesses, rejection, relationship issues, and disappointment present passages down the negative path of teen depression, but treatments, such as psychotherapy, intervention programs, and antidepressants express ways to subdue this major problem. Knowledge of the increasing dilemma needs to circulate, in order to promote stable teen lives in the present and future world. Understanding major teen depression, the events and incidents that lead to depression, and how to overcome the problem will lead to a decrease in major teen depression and its growing issue in society.
Teenage Depression. Everywhere you look these two words appear together as one, in newspapers and magazines, as well as in scholarly reports. Teenage depression is one of today's "hot topics" this among other teenage mental health problems, has been brought to the forefront of public consciousness in recent years after several incidents involving school shootings (CQ 595). The environment that teens grow up in today is less supportive and more demanding than it was twenty years ago. Not only are the numbers of depressed teens rising, but children are also being diagnosed at younger and younger ages. Studies have found that, "There is an estimated 1.5-3 million American children and adolescents who suffer from depression, a condition unrecognized in children until about 20 years ago" (CQR 595). This increase in depression is due to social factors that teenagers have to deal with everyday. A recent study found that, "About five percent of teenagers have major depression at any one time. Depression can be very impairing, not only for the affected teen, but also for his or her family-and too often, if not addressed, depression can lead to substance abuse or more tragic events" (NAMI.org). Gender roles and other societal factors including the pressures on girls to look and act a certain way, the pressures on boys to suppress their emotions and put on a tough front and the pressures on both sexes to do well in school and succeed, all contribute to depression in teens today. Depression is a growing problem which crosses gender lines and one that needs to be dealt with with more than just medication.
Although teenage depression cannot always be prevented, it is up to the health care providers to take simple steps by making a difference. While it may be difficult to distinguish between clinical depression and normal adolescent development, a notable indicator is whether symptoms are all-encompassing or situational. Is there a change in the patient’s behavior and mannerisms? Is there a history of familial depression? Has the depressed episode lasted for weeks? The questions are endless, as is the important need for clinicians to ask them. Adolescent depression does not have to be a lifelong battle, and it certainly does not have to end in suicide.
The suicide rate for adolescents has increased more than 200% over the last decade.[2] Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer. Recent studies have shown that greater than 20% of adolescents in the general population have emotional problems and one-third of adolescents attending psychiatric clinics suffer from depression.[3] Despite this, depression in this age group is greatly underdiagnosed, leading to serious difficulties in school, work and personal adjustment which often continue into adulthood.
Have you ever felt that you’re living with no purpose in life, or even worse, the sensation of isolation and loneliness? For instance, imagine that you are colorblind; nevertheless, people are constantly telling you and reminding you of how colorful the world is. Similarly, this is how dreadful depression feels like; it can emotionally drain you, break you, and kill you. About 3.4 million teenagers have at least one major depressive episode annually, and studies have shown that the number keeps on increasing periodically. Teenage depression is caused primarily by getting bullied or abused; hence, developing the feeling of loneliness and isolation in the teenager as well as referring to radical methods to forget the emotional pain: suicide, drugs, or intoxicating drinks.
Teens who suffer from depression usually do not appear sad, nor do they seem to withdraw from people, making it more complicated to notice the signs of depression. Although, a way to catch these signs is to have a parental figure, or someone that the teen cares for be always around if they need to talk or convey their inner thoughts and emotions (JBG, 2012). With this, a teen can feel more comfortable and may eliminate any negative thoughts due to the positive and caring atmosphere. In addition, family-members should never take suicide threats or any depression symptoms lightly, because every little detail can affect a teenager’s
Depression is a mental disorder that patients will have the symptoms or conditions of depressed mood, fatigue, loss of interest, poor concentration and change in appetite or sleep. (WHO 2012). People in the past who lack knowledge on depression believed mental illness was a form of demonic possession (Nemade, Reiss and Dombeck 2007). But with the increased understanding of depression, most mental health professionals agree that the association of biological, psychological and social factors is the cause of depression. Nonetheless, some psychiatrists diagnose and treat depression focus on biological approach more than social aspects.
Teenage depression is a growing problem in today's society and is often a major contributing factor for a multitude of adolescent problems. The statistics about teenage runaways, alcoholism, drug problems, pregnancy, eating disorders, and suicide are alarming. Even more startling are the individual stories behind these statistics because the young people involved come from all communities, all economic levels, and all home situations-anyone's family. The common link is often depression. For the individuals experiencing this crisis, the statistics become relatively meaningless. The difficult passage into adolescence and early adulthood can leave lasting scars on the lives and psyches of an entire generation of young men and women. There is growing realization that teenage depression can be life- changing, even life threatening.
Depression is a common mental illness. It is when feelings of sadness or despair continue on for a time period two or more weeks. (Daniel, Abrahamson, Lynne, Hornyak, Rehm, 2010). Though some forms of depression are shorter, other types
There are many people in the world who are struggling with the disease depression. Depression is the state in which a person feels very sad, hopeless and unimportant. The thing about depression is that it affects both genders and any ages. Depression is something that deserves full attention. For many reasons doctors believe that when a person has depression, they have to start taking medication for it as if medications help. People are becoming more dependent on antidepressants when there are other techniques for dealing with depression.
Empfield, M., Bakalar, N. (2001). Understanding Teenage Depression: A Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment and Management, Holt Paperbacks, New York.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression can be defined as a state of mental instability which affects the human body, mood, thought pattern, and relationship with others. Statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health shows that about eleven percent of teenagers have depressive disorder by age eighteen. (National Institute of Mental Health). Teenage depression is one of the issues confronting teenagers in today’s society. Depression can occur at every age in the human life, but it is more common in teenagers.
According to Psychology Information Online, depression is a psychological condition that changes how a person thinks and feels, and it also affects their social behavior and sense of physical well being. Depression has been called a "whole body" illness because of the many things the illness affects.