Although obesity has become one of the major health care issues around the world it is has become a focal issue throughout the developed countries. According to the WHO (world health organization) in 2008, 1.5 billion adults were overweight; 200 million men and 300 million women aged over 20 years were obese worldwide. There is increasing concern about the childhood obesity due to inactivity and increased calorie intake. Study shows that, the obesity is most of the time directly related to inactive due to the use of modern technologies like video gaming in children, increased television viewing and inactivity due to computer using. Obesity is due to many other factors like genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance and increased food intake. Studies shows inactivity due to use of technologies is highly linked with obesity. Obesity is known as one of the lifestyle inducing diseases, so it should be concluded that it is not the modern technology leading to increased incidence of obesity, but it is the improper use of technology like video gaming, TV, and computers which is leading to obesity. If the technologies are used wisely it should not lead to obesity. The advancement of technology is inevitable. If the technology is used properly it is the most useful thing in this modern world.
Here we have to think, how we can make use of technology in the prevention and treatment of obesity and other related problems Recently it seen that many reality shows are used as therapy for obese people. In the article, “Reality TV as therapy,” The author discusses the therapeutic potential of reality shows used for therapy. For example, the author explains how Dr. Phil's show, the biggest loser, and the Celebrity rehabilitation shows used for th...
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...ealth 103.10 (2013): 1895-1901. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
Watson, Alice, et al. "An Internet-Based Virtual Coach To Promote Physical Activity Adherence In Overweight Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal Of Medical Internet Research 14.1 (2012): e1. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.
WETHINGTON, HOLLY, LIPING PAN, and BETTYLOU SHERRY. "The Association Of Screen Time, Television In The Bedroom, And Obesity Among School-Aged Youth: 2007 National Survey Of Children's Health." Journal Of School Health 83.8 (2013): 573-581. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Nov. 2013.
Yosaee, Somaye, et al. "Relationship Between The Times Spent Watching TV And Playing Games With Fat Mass In Primary School Children. (English)." Journal Of Mazandaran University Of Medical Sciences (JMUMS) 23.98 (2013): 221-232. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Nov. 2013.
3.DuRant RH, Baranowski T, Johnson M,”. The relationship among television watching, physical activity, and body composition of young children”. Pediatrics. 1999;94:445-449.
Child obesity became a very serious issue that is taking on the health of the nation 's children. It is everyone responsibility to work on preventing and reducing childhood obesity, from the parents who are suppose to care about their children’s health, to the public health representatives, who should care about a future healthy nation, and everyone in between. Every part of society should create a set of lifestyle changes in order to save our kids from obesity. There are many aspects, which have to be changed or improved, including parent’s nutrition education, children’s physical activity and kid’s nutrition in a school and home, food industry and etc.
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduce life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Obesity has been a health problem ever since infectious disease had began in the first half of the 20th Century. The person with obesity is not the only person who is affected by their disease. In the case of childhood obesity, It can affect the parents because they might be the cause of the child’s issues. It can also lead to many different health problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory problems, and it can also even lead to death. Obesity has affected the world in many ways: task forces have been formed to address the issue, people are suffering from health problems due to obesity, and others suffer psychological and social issues.
Strasburger, Victor C., Amy B. Jordan, and Ed Donnerstein. "Health Effects of Media on Children and Adolescents." Pediatrics 125.4 (2010): 756-67. Ebsco. Web. 26 Jan. 2011.
There is no doubt that obesity has taken its seat as one of the top disease that strikes the world today. In America, obesity has now spread through the country leaving 2 out of 3 adults either overweight or obese, and worldwide 1.5 billion are overweight or obese (Overweight). The cause of this disease stems from multiple reasons such as the increase in modern food production, putting out ample amounts of food causing the prices for meat, groceries, and especially junk food to plummet. Subsequently, Americans especially were more inclined to purchase more food and showed an increase in the average American house hold food intake by 1,000 more calories a day (Dreifus).
(2015) obesity is becoming a public health problem in the world (p. 258). Obesity is increasing in adults from 15% to 30%, 5% to 18% in adolescents and 6% to 19% in children as stated by (Ferkel, Judge, Stodden, Griffin, 2014, p. 219). Obesity occurs when someone has a poor unhealthy diet or no type of physical activity. If an adolescent consumes plenty of fats and sugars but does no type of physical activity to burn off those calories than most of the fats and sugars will be stored inside their body as fat. 1 out of every 3 adolescents are now being considered obese; by reason of, children spending more time using technology instead of going outside to take part in physical activity. Physical activity is very important to burn off calories and fat which can be helpful when trying to prevent obesity or also treating it. Obesity is increasing rapidly throughout the nation making it a public health problem; obesity develops when someone has an improper diet, lacks of physical activity and their emotional
America is facing a rigorous obesity plague that is endangering the health of millions. Moreover, we are passing our bad practices down to our children. Obesity is a stipulation in which anomalous or excessive fat buildup in adipose tissue that damages health. Obesity is defined in adults as a body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30 (kg/m). Obesity is one of the most discernible, but until recently, most deserted public health problems. The present high pervasiveness of obesity and the brisk increase in pervasiveness in the last twenty years has been referred to as an endemic (Johnson SJ, Birch LL. 1994). Children all through the U.S. are getting fatter and less fit, through potentially treacherous enduring consequences. The figure of overweight children ages 6-17 has dual in the past 25 years. One in five children in the United States is now overweight or fat. Overweight children can build up diabetes and early risk factors for heart disease. Being fat in addition carries arousing risks for children. By the age of six, lots of children have developed pessimistic attitudes concerning obesity and will keep out fat children from play (Freedman D.S.,Dietz W.H., Srinivasan S.R, Berenson G.S. 1999). Fat children are teased and scorned by their peers. In adolescence, lots of overweight young people have developed a pessimistic personality that might prolong into adulthood. Overweight adolescents typically take their excess weight into adulthood. Overweight in adults is related to diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and several forms of cancer. Overweight children are more than two times likely to have high levels of cholesterol. Aortic fatty splash, the first stages of atherosclerosis, begins to come into view in childhood, ...
Imagine a world where a school aged child can step out of their school and walk into a McDonalds. A world where soda companies make millions of dollars a year by placing soda machines in schools. A world where 30.5 percent of adults are considered obese. A world where obesity is killing more people than smoking. What if I told you this world is not in your imagination but is the world we live in today?
Obesity is a growing health problem and leading cause of preventable deaths in U.S. As a health care professional it is our position statement that obesity should be considered as a disease. Over weight along with obese are also at risk for many diseases. However, it is our recommendation that expenses related to weight reduction program should only be paid to cure a specific obesity related disease. Medicare and insurance companies should not make payment for treatment of obesity unrelated to a medical condition such as improving a person’s general appearance and well being. As treatment in this context has not been determined to be reasonable and necessary. Various kinds of programs such as nutrition education and importance of physical activity must be offered to over weight individuals. Also we must adapt a sensitive approach to change our national perspective of obesity and over weight from an issue of appearance to an issue of health concern.
The invasion of technology has long been assumed to contribute to the large number of Americans who are considered overweight and do not get an adequate amount of daily physical activity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of Americans who can be classified as obese. More than one-third of adults in the United States and approximately 17% of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are considered obese ("Obesity and Overweight," 2012). However, the number of unhealthy Americans is not the only thing rising.
How TV Affects your Child? Kids Health. October 2011. Web. The Web.
Vandwater, Elizabeth A, Mi-suk Shim, and Allison G. Caplovitz. “Linking Obestity and Activity Level with Children’s Television and Video Game Use”, Journal of Adolescence, February 2004; vol. 27, Iss. 1 pgs 71-85, Retrieved: 16 August 2004,
Obesity occurs in all countries and it is one of the gravest problems in modern society. Obesity problems have become one matter of concern for individuals all around the world. What is more is that Obesity rates continue to rise all around the world. One of the chief causes is unhealthy diets. Obesity is also due to lack of exercise and lack of education and awareness. Therefore obesity has various effects including the risk of suffering from a range of health conditions, increased expenditure on health care and lack of self-esteem.
Teens used technology consuming excessive amounts of exercise time throughout the day that caused the physical health problem of obesity. Teens were physically active throughout the day before technology was fully exposed to teens. According to the article, Obesity in Children and Technology, Cespedes (2013) stated “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 10 percent of preschool age children and 15 percent of 6- to 19-year olds, can be considered overweight. In addition to eating more processed, high calorie foods, active play has been supplanted by technology” (para.4). Teens would take more time outdoors riding bikes, playing at the parks, walking with friends, and swimming at indoor pools that caused them to burn calories while having fun. Most of technology today was at a sedentary state that replaced many of the outdoor activities with teens playing sport video games, using their smartphones, and browsing the internet on the computer or tablets for coun...
Children are becoming more obese. This is caused in part by a lack of physical activity. Smartphones are ...