Dependence on Technology: A Personal Account

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When it comes to my relationship with technology I honestly would say that I do have a strong relationship with technology. I basically depend on it on everyday basis, from waking up to my alarm on my phone. If it wasn’t for this part of technology I wouldn’t even wake up on time for class. I honestly don’t think in this time period of the world I could even live without technology. It’s everywhere we turn like there no way to escape it. I personally depend on my cellphone the most out of technology. No matter where I’m at I always have with me and this day and age you can do pretty much anything on a cellphone. I basically can use my phone to check my emails to even get an answer for a math problem that I’m struggling with like for example when I’m in my math class instead of doing a simple problem like 2+2. I would go to my calculator on my phone to get the answer knowing that I could answer the question in my head. It’s almost like technology has made us handicapped when it …show more content…

I was trying to figured out how I was about to go without my phone. My dad told me that it be a week before I could get a new phone. Those words felt bad to hear because I basically survive off my phone, it was my alarm to wake up for school and it was where I talk to all my friends. I honestly felt like I was going be socially isolated because I needed my phone too basically connect with all my friends. That week was honestly hell to me, I struggled waking up for school because I didn’t have my alarm to wake up to every morning. I felt disconnect with my friend because in school they be talking about everything that was happening on social media and I was the clueless girl who didn’t know anything at all. It was almost like since I didn’t have my phone I was disconnect from everything. I honestly never thought I would be able to survive that week. I promise myself that I would never ever go without my phone

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