Taylor's Essay

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v. They should also include their company history on the bottles by doing a label redesign and also including the achievements on the labels. People generally see the labels when they buy wines and labels with medal stickers drives the buyers purchase decision. vi. They should focus on promoting youth to drink wines. The beer industry has taken over the market by portraying as a cheerful drink and that is hugely threatened the wine industry. Wine has always been a drink of luxury and health and therefore only attracts the people between the age groups 36 and up. Although, a new study also suggests that the millennials are drinking more wine than the boomers. (Chew, 2016) Therefore, Taylor’s should market and position their wines that it attracts …show more content…

(Volpe, 2008) “Strategy 2025” devised by the Australian winemakers in tandem with the government hopes and expects to make Australia one of the influential winemaking countries globally. (Castaldi, Cholette, & Hussain, 2006) As a part of this Strategy, Taylor’s can utilize its resources in a way that they can produce as much wine they can. Due to the constant shifting consumer behavior pattern globally the new companies have to really struggle to be ahead in the market. Though Taylor’s has a long history of producing wines but they still cannot compete with the image the European Old world wine makers in terms of tradition and consumer loyalty. So in order to maintain a competitive advantage of their own history, Taylor’s has to constantly retain its market position by launching newer products, new attractive labels, adapting to emerging technology and to create more opportunity by launching in the global markets and creating more brand awareness in the domestic market. Taylor’s hasn’t showcased any new successful products after the 1975 cabernet vintage, promised land in 1998 and the sparkling wine in 2012 and out of its list of 50 products only a few have gained milage. As discussed above, since the current market has a huge …show more content…

This generation grew up seeing a lot of companies grew from garage projects to big global enterprises as the generation X is more used to learning from their own mistakes and the ideology of “there has to be a better way” is constantly driving the current generation to create, introspect, and reinvent. (Asghar, 2014) As per the STEP research project, which has been designed to investigate the generational entrepreneurship in family business suggests that the sibling partnership in the current generation learned to lead the business while as the previous generation believed in the ideology to let go. It also suggests that there in no one way of approaching this entrepreneurship and as this brings many opportunities it also brings a lot of challenges. (Craig) As a matter of fact, the current generation has a strong foundation of entrepreneurship but can they impact the current position and take the organization to the next level? The newer generations are more acclimatized to using technology and their dependency will definitely allow more technological support into their operations and Taylor’s can benefit from it. As automation in farming and agriculture constantly improves, by the time Taylor’s children grow up, they would have enough training and resource to include more technological support into the business. Also with growing social media and ecommerce dependency, they will be able to market

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