Promoting and Living Kappa Values on Campus

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Introduction In this section, we are going to utilize the “Wearing Your Values 24/7” curriculum to identify your chapter and Kappa values. We will then review and utilize the new Membership Chairman Leadership Guide to build membership criteria and identify our own membership criteria. Finally, we will discuss how to live the values we identify and recruit per those values as well. Agenda • What are chapter and Kappa values? • What values do we look for in potential new members? • Building membership criteria. • Effectively recruiting for those values on campus? Our goal is to refresh ourselves on Kappa values and learn how we can promote and live those values around campus. Additionally, Membership Chairmen will familiarize themselves with the new Membership Criteria form and walk away with practice in building that criteria. …show more content…

What Are Chapter and Kappa Values? What are values? How do we identify our own values? Use question prompt(s) to ask participants to think about their own values. Participants can jot down notes. Ask one or two to share. Use the list of values in the PowerPoint and ask participants to share values that they share with their fellow chapter members. Ask participants to share where they might find examples of Kappa values. Then, ask for volunteers to read the Kappa Preamble and Mission Statement. Ask for keywords from these statements that help identify values. Summarize how personal values and Kappa values intersect and how we might look for new members who have specific values. II. What Values Do We Look for in Potential New Members? Display list of values again. Ask participants to pick the top values they look for in another person. Then, ask a couple of volunteers to share. Are there any values that are on this list that you feel your chapter does not currently have or needs more

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