Tanglewood Distinctively Visual Analysis Essay

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Ivan Eyre’s landscape painting, Tanglewood is an exceptional piece of artwork. This beautiful acrylic painting on canvas is currently being displayed at the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s Landscape and Still Life exhibit. It strengthens the cultural prospects of Winnipeg, where it is displayed in. There are various attributes to it that makes it an impressive piece. Its display and composition in the museum being one of the contributing factors to its aesthetic appeal. I believe that this particular painting is incredibly appealing because of its spectacular use of colour, various shades being used skillfully. The technique implemented by Eyre is obvious as being create from an experienced artist, bringing the piece together in harmony. These three aspects are what makes Tanglewood a notable work of art. Tanglewood is a grandiose piece that influences a strong presence. Standing at 157.8 by 363.7 centimeters in size, it is a piece that is hard to miss. I was fascinated by its formidable presence in the room. The museum did an excellent job of accentuating the painting, directing delicate …show more content…

His approach enables Tanglewood to be successful. He is able to produce a piece that has a lot of personality, given that the majority of the canvas was painted in shades of green. His brilliant use of shadows and contrasting the shades permitted him to bring harmony to the painting. There is a discernable unification through the entirety of the canvas. Eyre’s use of a bird’s eye view is ingenious as it enables an ample view on the landscape, permitting the visualization of a large expanse of land without making it feel crowded. This makes it easier to make the distinction as to where Eyre wanted the focal point of the painting to be. I did not have difficulty with being guided to the painting’s focus, with the excellent use of lighter shading bringing my attention towards the

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