Tale Of Two Dishes

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A Tale of Two Sauces

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of ketchup, bring back barbecue. Many people of this world are obsessed with ketchup and won’t ever think of anything else, especially barbecue.

Ketchup is disgusting and it is the only sauce ever at any party or anything ever. All ketchup is, is a horrible, bad smelling, bad tasting, tomato based, red sauce that makes a huge mess. barbecue is a luscious golden brown sauce that is way underrated and should be more commonly used.

I have been to 1000 Bar and Bat Mitzvahs over the past year and not one of them has had barbecue. Everyone always has ketchup no matter what. Nobody even eats the ketchup, they just play with it and throw it in other people’s drinks. Another example is at food days at school. Every food has ketchup, even when there are chicken fingers. The only food day that has barbecue is when there is California Pizza Kitchen which makes no sense. …show more content…

He comes to school with chicken nuggets and 400 packets of ketchup. There are a few things wrong with this, nobody needs that much ketchup, ever! Don’t people ever get sick of this much ketchup or sick of ketchup at all? Once again, ketchup is so disgusting, I can’t have more than 1 tiny thing of it before it all comes back out of me. One last thing, try something else for once, I mean, come on. For the last time, ketchup is disgusting, stop eating it. Another thing that this kid does is that he puts his ketchup on everything, actually everything! He puts it on his mac & cheese, on his cookies, on his tongue-plain, and on his pasta. People don’t even have to do that with barbecue, it’s a little bit too

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