Taking Ownership Of Learning Research Paper

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“Taking ownership of your learning” is mean to me is taking independent action and learn how to learn. In order to be a successful learner, everyone needs to understand that what they need to learn and what they do in order to achieve it. This skill will help prepare one to become more independent and adapt in a changing world. It builds a strong foundation for growth and independence. This lesson will give the strategies to use to reach goals. It also lays the foundation for one future and it can use for the rest of the life. This is a skill that asks to take action. In order to be successful as student or parents or family members, citizens and workers, everyone must be able to take ownership for their own learning. To keep peace with 21st …show more content…

We should be intrinsically motivated and self-directed to word the goal. Should understand and learn from the lesson what we read but should not only drive by grades or external praise. We should identify own strengths and weaknesses as a learner and seek out opportunities for learning that help build self-concept as a learner and collect a series of strategies to help us acquire knowledge. We need to become familiar with a range of learning strategies to acquire or retain knowledge and Identify and use strategies appropriate to goals, task, context, and we need to consider the resources available for learning and think deeper about issues and draw connections to personal, academic, and professional lives. We also need to consider the instructor as a guide, but themselves as the pursuer of deeper understanding and Learns collaboratively, through peer engagement and feedback. We should seek out the available resources and understands the scope of the University, its departments, and its learning philosophy and approach and we should understand the importance of applying the knowledge learned in the classroom to continued personal and career development potential. It will ensure our growth and learning. We should Monitor progress toward goals and modify strategies or other features of the learning situation as necessary to achieve goals and Test out our new learning in real-life applications. This will give us the ownership of our

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