Taboo Language Essay

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My fellow friends of Utaboopia, I have decided to share with you a part of our language in which you do not use, and do not understand. This part of our language is called Taboo Language. Taboo language is used when discussing words or terms that are unsuitable or illicit within a culture or community. Taboo language can be vulgar, profane, or obscene. Taboo words and language are usually not talked about amongst each either. For example you would not discuss personal problems such as a disease, addiction, family matter, or loss of life. Taboo language can also be used to express an extreme emotion or feeling. For example in our language we use the word fuck to describe many different feelings and meanings. It can be used to accentuate an expression: rather than just saying “ I hate work”, I would say “I fucking hate work”! You may be wondering why we use words that are deemed inappropriate. This can truly depend on the circumstance or situation in which you are using these phrases or words. I am going to give you a few examples and phrases to help you better understand these taboo terms and words. • “You are such a bitch”: The word (bitch) means a female dog. We use this word in many other forms that have nothing to do with its original definition. Here are some of the meanings in which we use the word bitch. Down on earth this word is commonly used for a woman who you do not like. This woman is usually rude, whines a lot, and is mainly not considered as a nice person. Males also use this word towards each other. They often say “You are acting like such a bitch”! This would mean that there male friend is acting or speaking in a weak way. Some people may also use the term to describe someone who does work underneath them. For... ... middle of paper ... As I was discussing with President Jerika that many people in your culture use fighting as a means to release negative feelings. On earth fighting is not as commonly done, compared to the amount of fighting that is occurring in your culture. We still fight, but do use taboo words rather than attack as a means of getting our emotions out. The differences in our cultures may be easy to differentiate because of our language usage. Your way of communication is more physical compared to our verbal communication. We work in different ways, eat in different ways, and obtain goods in different ways also. Our language differences can show us that we are also culturally different. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this article on our use of taboo words, and I look forward to giving the people of Utaboopia a better understanding of earth’s culture and Language. Sara LaSalle

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