Synthesis Essay On Honor Code

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At my high school there is an honor code thoroughly given and explained to all students. The honor code enforces certain punishments for improper and immoral actions at schools across the nation. The honor code at my high school is well understood by the students but the enforcement of the honor code is often forgotten which lets many students pursue rebellious actions against the honor code. A majority of students who rebel against the honor code for cheating, stealing, or plagiarizing are not caught. This leads to inequality among the students for those who actually put effort in in getting their grade through hard work and dedication. In order to end this unjustified system, the honor code at my school must revise so that all students receive the proper credit that they deserve. The honor code should not only receive new revisions but it also needs to receive greater enforcements including new types of punishments to decrease the amount of cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing. With a newly revised honor code, it should easily become accepted by the students, as depicted in source B, “Most responded that we needed an environment where students and …show more content…

Source A sarcastically emphasizes the need of enforcement in school by stating “Recent research has shown that a spy cam can greatly improve the honor code.” While the idea of having spy cams can seem like a drastic measure to preventing cheating and stealing, it provides a simplistic idea of how schools must expand their use of enforcement in order to prevent students from cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing. The honor code itself is not the problem among many schools and the revisions made to it are only to gain acceptance among everyone. The problem that many schools are having with the honor code is the enforcement which must be dealt with or the whole concept of an honor code will become

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