Synesthesia Essay

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Types of Synesthesia
Imagine hearing a color, tasting a shape, or even feeling a sound. Many people can actually experience this because they have been diagnosed with a condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when the stimulation of one sense produces the sensation of another sense (“What is Synesthesia”). Synesthesia, which means joined perception, comes from the word syn meaning together and the word aisthesis meaning perception (“Synesthesia”). Synesthesia can come in many forms and affect a number of the senses at one time. Because synesthesia occurs mainly in the brain, there is an interesting biology behind it. There are many theories about the biology behind why and how synesthesia affects the brain and senses. Some researchers
Many people, however, could have synesthesia but never realize that their perception of reality is different from everyone else’s. It has been found that women are more likely to have synesthesia than men, which indicates that synesthesia could be inherited from a trait carried on the X chromosome (“Synesthesia”). Synesthesia is also most likely genetic because it usually runs in families, although family members may not be affected by the same type of synesthesia (“Seeing Sound, Tasting Color: Synesthesia”). Because synesthesia can combine any number of the senses, there are many different types. Five types of synesthesia that have interesting effects on the way synesthetic people live are grapheme-color, lexical-gustatory, mirror-touch, chromesthesia, and
Some, like mirror-touch or lexical-gustatory, can be harmful or annoying to the person and negatively affect their life. Others, like grapheme-color, number-form, and chromesthesia, have positive or neutral effects and can be beneficial to a synesthete. Because it is pretty rare, there is still so much to be learned and studied about synesthesia and how the different types play a role in the lives of those who have them. Hopefully in the future, more research can be done on synesthesia to reveal more secrets about this unique, sense combining

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