Symbolic Interactionism: The Socialization Of Gender Roles

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In my perspective, gender roles are becoming more and more complicated. These days, there are more than 2 genders and you have to be careful with what you call people. Some people, will react in different ways if you call them something that they are not. More people are confused about what they would like to be called, they may not be fully in that stage of wanting to be something else.
They are important in society because there is a lot of things that evolve around genders: bathrooms, clothes, scents, jewelry, motherhood(giving birth), cars and some work places. Most places like stores have exceptions for 2 gender bathrooms but some are against it which is appropriate when given certain situations.
This topic is very emotional to some people, …show more content…

Relevant to the discussion of masculinity and femininity. Males treat infants much different than females do, women treat the baby with fragile care and not rough.fathers usually teach the boys to build and fix things: mothers teach girls to cook, sew and keep house. Gender roles adopted during childhood normally continue to adulthood. Learning the roles of their gender occur within a social context; the values of the parents and society being passed along to along to the children of successive …show more content…

Society expects different attitudes and behavior from boys and girls. Females have stronger social skills and release more of a interpersonal communication then males do. In the past, teachers have been known for shortchanging girls and focusing more on boys and challenging them. The number of boys applying for college has declined very much over the past several years. Girls mature more quickly and have more of an attention span. Culture has different guidelines about what is appropriate for males and females. Families may socialize babies in gendered ways, like ways without consciously following that path. For babies, the toys and games parents select are often chosen to match what they would like the baby to get into and it also matches the gender that they are. Boys have been proven to be more aggressive and less likely to be fragile with the things they touch or play with, unlike girls who are less aggressive and more fragile with things they play with and touch. Statistics show that girls and boys share the same level of knowledge at the ages of 2-3 but when the become older, they begin to learn different things and what is good or bad to

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