Swot Analysis Of Eden Park

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Eden Park is a French menswear brand, founded by Franck Mesnel when he was 20 the brand find its influence in the rugby jersey and in the blend between sport and formal clothes.

The brand entered the Middle Eastern market few years ago and opened shops in Dubai mall, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and now Bahrain. With its presence in three countries of the GCC region the brands is officially established in the region and need to increase their presence in the media, not only in print media but also on online media.

The brand offers good quality products but compared to their competition Eden Park is weak when it comes to online and new media. Their sales forecast is good and the last year’s number were also very good; however a comprehensive Public Relations

Campaign Goals
Target Audience
PR activities
The strategy begins with the selection of social networks that correspond to the activity of the company or brand . Twitter does not allow the same practices as Facebook for example, and vice versa. What utility for a BtoB company whose offer is based on cloud computing to join Pinterest , for example? No , this is obvious.

Management of social networks, also known as community management , takes time and consistency . Because it is not enough to register on a social network and put share buttons on their website to say " this is good, you are on the social networks! " . It must then animate his page , publish regularly recruit a community, interact with it and it takes time and especially attendance.

So before joining social networks, each responsible for communication or marketing should ask some key questions:

• What is the type of my business? B to C ? BtoB ? E -commerce?

• What is my target? Prospects ? My clients?...

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...gh added value such as white papers, studies, guides, business cases, etc. . Combined with a web marketing strategy through downloading via a landing page against surrender coordinate the dissemination of premium content can be optimized with social networks.

The secrets of success
Once the definition of all these fields is stopped, it remains for you to implement . But do not think the work is finished , it is only the beginning. To be effective, a content strategy to social networks must continue over time. Here are our tips :

• Select and prioritize the most relevant to your business social networks ( 2-3 max. Per person in charge of management)

• Prepare an editorial schedule one month in advance ( and hold !)

• Keep content in reserve for periods busiest

• Spend at least 1 hour per day on social networks

• And finally keep pace!

Communication strategy

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