Swearing: A Biopsychosocial Perspective by Lauren M, Bylsma

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Words have always affected how an individual. In more than just one way perhaps, maybe not just any word either, maybe some in particular just get your emotions to flutter and one just may not be capable of understanding how that is, or why. Taking a step back, we look at insults. Insults and swear words seem to have such a great power over others, and typically there is a bigger meaning as to why they might be used. This sort of phenomenon isn’t always used out of spite, or anger. It can also be used to get a point across, or to express a deeper sense of emotion. Although, according to William B Irvine, a writer for Time Magazine, expressed that the pain caused by insults are really just a symptom of a far more serious ailment: our participation in the social hierarchy game. William goes into further explaining the effect of insults due to psychological reasoning, and it depends on how one may interpret their meaning. Cursing can be best described as a form of linguistic activity, using words to express the meaning of strong instincts (Irvine 3). Since cussing typically includes taboo words, these words can be more powerful than non-swear words. Therefore, people who swear are often judged negatively, because swearwords can shock and disturb others.
To explain furthermore, Taboo words are proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable. They are prohibited and give off a disrespectful sense of use. Insults and swears are hypothesized to produce a catharsis-effect, which results in a relief of stress or pain. Swearing also influences the perceived credibility, intensity, and persuasiveness of the swearer. Although, the use of taboo words lacs the complexity that psychological science requires for an understanding of swearing.

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...ults won’t be going away anytime soon, the world must find a way to cope with these things differently. Our minds have gotten use to the idea of these words for so long that it is occasionally difficult for some to watch their language, since overtime it has become a regular part of their vocabulary. Even if it takes two seconds, imagine how much more respect would be brought to others’ lives. Once you realize how these words could make someone feel so awful- or in some cases “so great”- you would naturally think about what you were saying more, and what it would actually mean to someone else. Everyone is going to have their say on if they think swearing is “okay” or not, but it’s important to remember all things are easier said than done, so if you really want to express that emotion into what you have to say, you should also be able to express it with how you feel.

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