Superhero Research Paper

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Growing up I was surrounded by comic book entertainment and their many superheroes. There were Batman, Superman, the Flash, and many more which became role models to me as I grew older but as I grew older I noticed they were all male role models. Movies, television, toy lines they all featured male superheroes but what ever happened to the female heroine? Where are these female role models for little girls to look up to if they chose to have a superhero as a role model other than the male heroes? Why is it that the entertainment industry chooses to push for male superheroes and not the female heroines, perhaps they are stuck in their ways since the dawn of the comic book? Children should be given the chance to choose a role model that they …show more content…

These stereotypical gender ideas and beliefs can impact individuals who are exposed to them (Pennell 212). If were shown something over and over again we probably will start to believe in what we are seeing. For instance, if readers are shown the same outcome in comics for over 75 years they probably are going to believe in these stereotypical gender roles. I may start to think that the male heroes are the true superheroes and females are more like the sidekicks, yes they have powers but there is no way they can win without the males. Now, you might think that can’t be true, but if the comic book industry keeps pushing the same agenda over and over again aren’t we all being persuaded to see it their way. I can read about an all-powerful female heroine who can move mountains, and I can think to myself there’s nothing that can stop this hero, and then I turn the page. The next page shows her putting up a good fight but in the end she can’t defeat this villain and has to rely on the male hero to save the day. If I am the reader, I am being exposed to the ideas of these gender

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