Essay On Mexican Stereotypes

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I Am a Mexican Women Chinese people eat cats or dogs. Blue is a color for boys. Women are bad drivers. Those are the most common phrases I've heard about stereotyping. However, stereotypes are assumptions that are assigned to groups of people because of their religion, nationality, gender, race, clothing, among others. In our daily life, there are negative and positive stereotypes, and it is possible that we all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. Also, in my life I experienced this issue because of my ethnicity and my gender. When I moved to Texas, I experienced stereotyping because I'm from Mexico. During my first days in Texas, it was strange to hear comments such as, Mexicans only eat tacos, Mexicans are untrustworthy, or all Latinos are Mexicans. Those comments made me feel uncomfortable, but as …show more content…

Nowadays women should be treated equally, but some very common stereotypes are still used. For example, in my last birthday, I received a gift from my friend in a pink bag. Then, I asked my friend, why he picked a pink bag, he simply replied "all women like pink," but actually he did not know that my favorite color was blue, and that does not mean that I am a boy. On another occasion, I was taking care of my little cousin, he began to play soccer, and when I asked him if I could play with him, he answered me, "not because girls do not know how to play football," his answer surprised me, so I take his soccer ball, and I showed him that he was wrong, because women can play different sports. Certainly, there are some stereotypes that may be true, but do not apply to all persons. In my case, the stereotypes I experienced about my ethnicity and my gender, they do not show the truth about me, and they do not affect me, but I learned that I should not label someone without knowing them or even without proofs. Anyway, stereotypes are endless, and have become commonplace in our

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