Summative Assessment: Effective Assessment And For Learning

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Assessment of and for learning. A good assessment practice is a key feature in order to achieve an effective teaching and learning practice. This section will consider the assessment issue from a theoretical and empirical perspective, having as the main objective to improve my future teaching. Traditionally, assessment has been thought to be something that happens after the learning process, something separate of the teaching process in time and purpose. (Graue, 1993). However, currently, approaches about assessment make the difference between Summative assessment or assessment of learning (AoL) and Formative assessment or assessment for learning (AfL), but this is not actually a new approach, as Ryle (1949) already talked about Knowing …show more content…

(1993) ‘Integrating theory and practice through instructional assessment’. Educational Assessment, 1(4). [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2015). Ryle, G. (1949) ‘Knowing how and knowing that’ in Ryle, G. The concept of Mind. Abingdon: Routledge pp16-20 Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998). ‘Assessment and classroom learning’. Assessment in Education. 5(1) [Online] Avalaible at: Bloom, B.S. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman. Bloom, B.S, Rehage Kenneth J., Anderson, Lorin W. (1994) Bloom’s taxonomy: A forty- year retrospective. Chicago:NSSE. Savage, J. & Fautley, M. (2008). Assessment for Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools. Dawsonera [Online] Avalaible at: DfES (2002). “Government guide to Assessment for Learning”. pp. 19-39 Spendlove, D. (2009) Putting Assessment for Learning into Practice. Dawsonera. [Online] Avalaible at: Behaviours for …show more content…

Nevertheless, it wasn’t an appropriate approach to motivation, as pupils felt that there were a lot of activities to do, and they didn’t see the point on most of them. After reading McLean (2009), who highlight the activities transition as an important part to encourage good behaviour, I tried with the 10E group to divide activities in little chunks that later will be linked. It worked well and students started to see the point in the activities. When they started to understand why they did an activity, they felt more engaged and the outcomes that I could check in subsequent lessons were satisfactory. One of the problems that I had during my first two weeks was how to modulate my voice. Voice is a strong tool in a teacher, it can motivate and challenge pupils and it can give peace as well. In my last lessons before half term I starting using my voice in a better way to motivate students (as shown in my mentor feedback), as well as to praise and reinforce good behaviour (Hayes, 2007). Students participate more in activities when they feel some changes in the teacher’s voice, otherwise lesson turns

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