Summary Of Stitches: A Memoir By David Small

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In the graphic novel, "Stitches: A Memoir” written by David Small, the author shares his memories, presenting a hostile home environment and the unique characteristics of his family. David’s family was composed of his mother, Betty, a housewife, Ed, the father-doctor, and David’s older brother, Ted. Towards the end of the book the readers are introduced to David’s psychologist, characterized in the book by a rabbit. The memoir is a true statement of David’s life in a house where there was no effective communication, the lack of love from his mother and how it affect his childhood. David’s illustrations shows an intricate but vivid and painful memory of his childhood. His mother, Betty influenced his life in a way that he could not understand at the time. He did not understand the reasons behind some of her attitudes or the peculiar way that she communicated with him. In the first pages of the book David stated: “Mama had her little cough… once …show more content…

Betty drive him to the first appointment, she dropped him off and made a negative comment about it: “It’s like throwing money down a hole, if you ask me” (247). She was again nagging him. David’s psychologist was characterized of a White Rabbit, one of the references he had most of his childhood, he used to daydream about been Alice, from Alice in the Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. The “White Rabbit” analyses him and let David’s know the truth: his mother does not love him. (255) David’s life went upside down and in the next pages the illustrations show a big storm that went for days. The darkness, the sadness, the emptiness, and pain, can be feel at every drop of rain that David had drawn.(259-264) Those feelings finally come to an end and David’s was back to his psychologist three times a week, he was at last healing from the past of mistreating. The White Rabbit helped him to go through his memories and feelings, sorting out and changing his life for the

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