Summary Of Peter Theroux's'sunrise With Seamonsters '

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In Peter Theroux’s book “Sunrise with Seamonsters”, he includes an essay titled “Being a Man”. In this essay, Peter rants about his personal dislike with being a man and describes the overwhelming and superficial standards that America places on its men. Peter then proceeds to further analyze the pressure that society’s view of manliness place on young boys. He argues that adolescent boys are put under pressure from society to fit into this mold of how a man is supposed to behave and think. Theroux also examines how being a man affects women by claiming that any form of masculinity belittles women. During this time period, there were not many arguments that discussed the roles of men, therefore Theroux relied on word choice, personal experiences, …show more content…

Theroux explains how young boys are easily influenced into believing in the stereotypes of masculinity, leading them to become distant towards women in the future, which in turn causes them as men to find women annoying and a mystery. By explaining the separation society puts between males and females when growing up, Theroux analyses how it affects people in the long run. Believing in this “masculine ideal” can cause men to see themselves as superior to women. “It is very hard to imagine any concept of manliness that does not be little women” claims …show more content…

In the opening paragraph, Theroux quotes a chapter from the book “Fetishism” by Dr. Norman Cameron, in which Dr. Norman Cameron claims “Fetishists are nearly always men; and their commonest fetish is a woman’s shoe”. The significance of Theroux including this quote is that he is able to provide an example of what considers to be another awful thing about being a man. By using a quote from someone with enough educational experience to have a doctoral degree, Theroux is able to form an argument based on the research of a doctor, which gives his essay a great logical foundation but more so allows him to gain credibility from his

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