“Chapter 3” No Promises in the Wind Summary “Chapter 3” of No Promises in the Wind begins with the author, Irene Hunt, placing Josh and Joey in complete bewilderment. Unfortunately, they have just lost their comrad, friend, and brother, Howie. Attempting to leave the train, Howie lost his life trying to give his banjo to Josh. Dying right in front of his best, and only friend, was an event that Josh would remember for the rest of his life. Grieving, Josh and Joey do not know what they are going to do without their buddy, for without his optomistic attitude or talented musical skills they lost faith in themselves. After retaining nutrition, Josh and Joey felt a great deal better, however, Josh did not know if he would withstand
In the document “Doomed to Perish”: George Catlin’s Depictions of the Mandan by Katheryn S. Hight, she analyzes the work of George Catlin while he traveled to the Mandan colony west of the Missouri River. Hight identifies that Catlin created a false and imaginative depiction of the Mandan Indians based on his social and political ideas which ended up creating an entertainment enterprise rather than reporting history. Catlin’s extravagant depictions of the Indians, which did have an impact on the Indian Policy in America, seemingly motivates Hight to write on this subject.
The population of a community is vital to ensure that the needs of that community are met. A greater population allows for a larger vote in a democracy meaning a higher probability of attaining what that population wants. Indigenous communities were left hopeless when European settlers took over and slashed the numbers of their community making it impossible for them to ever overpower the Canadian government. The book “Clearing the Plains” by James Daschuk explains this critical period of time in which the population of Indigenous people dwindled based on the political, economic and ecological circumstances that were evident creating a society where Indigenous people lost their say, however Daschuk fails to mention the effects this population deflation has on society today and the racism that our society has perpetrated on Indigenous people.
With concern over global warming growing, people are starting to turn a more serious eye toward cleaner sources of energy. Instead of solar power making a comeback as the ideal form, we are seeing a growth in the use of wind power. Wind farms are beginning to crop up all around the country. This new trend has gathered significant attention. Questions are being raised concerning the effects wind farms may have, from critics and supporters alike. Michelle Nijhuis, in the article “Selling the Wind” discusses the arguments on behalf of and in opposition to the increasing use of wind power, addressing what the consequences may be on the United States.
Throughout life people encounter a numerous amount of obstacles, some of these obstacles can be tougher than others. These obstacles don’t define who you are, how the situation is handled does. In the book The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen, Jessica encounters a tremendous obstacle that life could throw at her. Jessica has had to learn to adjust her life from the way that she used to live. Her life is changing and she has to decide if this accident defines who she is going to be while being surrounded by the love and comfort of her family.
Does a father love his son? Josh wondered if his father loved him many days during his younger years, and love takes on a whole new meaning in Irene Hunt’s book No Promises in the Wind. The book starts out in Chicago in 1932 during the Great Depression period, times are tough as Josh’s father is without work and putting a simple meal on the table is a blessing. Josh also finds himself resenting his brother Joey because when he was born was when all happiness in the family ended, due to Joey’s many medical problems. This is one of the reasons that prompts Josh and his friend Howie to run away and find a better life, while Joey
There are many unpredictable and ungovernable accidents, coincidences, and chances that drive the universe and can ultimately affect the events of a person’s life. One of the main concepts surrounding David Guterson’s novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, is the power of free will vs. fate. The last sentence of the novel: “accident ruled every corner of the universe except the chambers of the human heart” explains the lack of control that humans have on the forces surrounding them compared to the control they have over their actions or decisions and the impact that it has. Snow Falling on Cedars looks closely at the effect free will and fate has through the murder trial that occurs post World War II in the story where a Japanese American, Kabuo Miyamoto, is charged with the murder of an American, Carl Heine. As the trial takes place, the story interconnects the characters one of who is Ishmael Chambers, a journalist who may be Kabuo’s only hope but struggles with the decision to do what’s right as he was left burned by Kabuo’s wife and his childhood love, Hatsue. The notion of chance and free will can be seen especially in the character of Ishmael who struggles against the effects of the war and Hatsue leaving him. And as a Japanese American during the war, Hatsue herself displays the power of free will in her self-acceptance and in creating a balance in her life. Apart from the portrayal of free will vs. chance in the development of the characters, certain events in the novel such as the case of Carl Heine’s death and the war itself exhibits similar themes. However, unlike Carl’s death, the war shows that there are instances where circumstance may be the result of human actions. In David Guterson’s Snow Falling on Cedars, the events tha...
At the conclusion of his short story “Barn Burning,” William Faulkner strongly implies that Abner Snopes burns yet another barn, although whether he does or not is never made absolutely clear. In any case, his young son, Sarty, has run to warn the owner of the barn, Major De Spain, about his father’s intentions:
The main theme of Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee is taking a
In the poem “Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall, a mother attempted to protect her daughter by sending her to church. However, in the end, the child has her entire life stolen from her. The dramatic situation in the poem is portrayed and developed through Randall’s use of descriptive imagery, dialogue, irony, and a tonal shift.
The theme of this book is that the human capacity to adapt to and find happiness in the most difficult circumstances. Each character in the novel shows this in their way. For instance, their family is randomly taken from their home and forced to work but they still remain a close nit family. In addition, they even manage to stick together after being separated for one of their own. These show how even in the darkest time they still manage to find a glimmer of hope and they pursued on.
In the books, Sounder and Our Town, written by, William H. Armstrong and Thornton Wilder, both set off a tone of life and death. In the newbery winner, the boy lost two very important figures in his life, the dog and his father. It explained how he suffered through much pain during his lifetime, but in the end after his father and Sounder passed, he must learn to keep living life even if they won’t be there with him. Along with the play, it gave an outlook of birth, life, and death just like the other novel. It demonstrated how the Webbs suffered many deaths of their two children. Sadly it never interpreted what happened after the death of Emily and how much things have changed and how it affected the characters. During George and Emily’s wedding,
Friendship is reported here by Paterson in story form; that friendship whether serious or not has ended in tragedy. There will never be a friendship that lasts forever, that is in the mortal life, and, although affairs happen to change and affect the outcomes of that friendship, there will always be a story to tell about any life with or even without friendship, such as that of Jesse and Leslie, simple yet very complicated and heartfelt. Story form, yet very unreliable, is the only way to explain it, as long as the story entails all the necessary elements.
"The Highwayman" written by Alfred Noyes seems to be characteristic in the beginning, however it is notable for the narrative and vivid structure. This poem is stowed with perilous fugitives, romance, escapade and death. The vivid imagery Noyes uses creates a dark atmosphere and sets the scene to give the reader a better description of the noises one would hear while reading the poem. "The Highwayman" is packed with exhilaration along with a compelling story. The tale of a Highwayman's visit to see the beautiful Bess at the terrible fate they both encounter. The poet used four main themes love, betrayal, loyalty, and death. To better comprehend the author's reasoning for the poem, one could analyze the characters, themes and variety of imagery.
“Don’t listen to that guy, he’s trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks.” A devil sits on Kronk’s shoulder in the movie, Emperor’s New Groove, and attempts to convince him to make a sinful decision. A devil sits on everyone’s shoulder at some point and creates sin through his taunting demeanour. Though it is not the best choice, sinning has always been a popular decision throughout the world. With sinning, there are many outcomes, one being redemption. Most people regret their choices and decide they would like to be forgiven. In the novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the protagonist, Amir, and his father, Baba, commit terrible sins and spend their lives seeking forgiveness; however,
Living the present to thank the past. Many traditional families have certain ways of raising their children, which accounts for much of the child’s future deeds. Traditional families, which include many of the minority groups in America, come from a hard life where they had to hide, run, submit, and endure. The struggles one generation before went through determines what type of standards and life expectations the future generations will grow up with. Vinh Chung addresses his personal life under tradition throughout his memoir, “Where The Wind Leads”, and he explains how it’s hard for Western society to comprehend.