Redemption In The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hosseini

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“Don’t listen to that guy, he’s trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks.” A devil sits on Kronk’s shoulder in the movie, Emperor’s New Groove, and attempts to convince him to make a sinful decision. A devil sits on everyone’s shoulder at some point and creates sin through his taunting demeanour. Though it is not the best choice, sinning has always been a popular decision throughout the world. With sinning, there are many outcomes, one being redemption. Most people regret their choices and decide they would like to be forgiven. In the novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the protagonist, Amir, and his father, Baba, commit terrible sins and spend their lives seeking forgiveness; however, …show more content…

Once this sin appeared on Amir’s conscience, he spent most of his life trying to forgive himself. Even through his adult life, Amir experienced “[so] much happiness. [He] wondered whether [he] deserved any of it” because of his sins as a twelve year old boy (Hosseini 183). His sinful past stayed with him through a lengthy twenty five years before he felt as though his sins were redeemed. Like Amir, Baba had also sinned; he had an unplanned child with his friend’s wife. After completing the iniquitous deed, Baba quickly attempted to erase the guilt. Baba figured if he spent his time giving to others, his sin would be wiped away. Therefore, he became charitable in various ways and was redeemed shortly after performing the wrongdoing. It took many years for Amir to forgive himself of his sins. He was ashamed and afraid of what his reputation could become, and therefore, he told no one of his past. Amir kept the secret of his selfishness, making him slightly insane. Baba was also scared of his reputation and told only one person of his sin, his dearest friend, Rahim, Kahn. They did not dare notify anyone else because “[all] that a man had back then, all that he was, was his honor, his name” and if the word would have spread, Baba’s reputation would have been ruined (Hosseini …show more content…

Baba also focused on being an exceptional father to Hassan without others detecting the truth. For instance, Baba paid for Hassan’s harelip to be removed as a birthday present. Hassan was well provided for and even though he was Hazara, he was invited to attend events and gatherings with Baba and Amir. Overall, Baba redeemed himself by proving to others he was a decent man in society. Everyone’s pathway to redemption is varied and based on their own courses of action. In the novel, The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hosseini, Baba and Amir commit sins and spend their lives making up for their wrongful doings; however, they take different paths to receive their forgiveness. Like Baba and Amir, people all possess their own method to find absolution. Although everyone has a personal devil sitting on their shoulder, providing immoral input, there is an angel sitting opposite, serving as a guide on the path to redemption. blueprints, while giving extra money to people in need. Baba also focused on being an exceptional father to Hassan without others detecting the truth. For instance, Baba paid for Hassan’s harelip to be removed as a birthday present. Hassan was well provided for and even though he was Hazara, he was invited to attend events and gatherings with Baba and Amir. Overall, Baba redeemed himself by proving to others he was a decent man in

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