Summary Of Michael Pollan's Unhappy Meals?

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In the article Unhappy Meals, Michael Pollan strongly believes that it is possible for an individual to live a healthier and better lifestyle through several tactics that he proposes in his article. However, Pollan 's measures are not effective in helping mothers and children in the lower socioeconomic status but rather helps better the health of those with high socioeconomic statuses. For instance, Pollan encourages avoiding foods that "your great-great-grandmother wouldn 't recognize as food...such as Go-Gurt, Breakfast-cereal bars and Nondairy creamer" (Pollan, 2007). Pollan does not take into consideration that "less educated persons with jobs that offer few opportunities for learning may have limited knowledge of the harm of unhealthy Although avoiding foods that contain certain ingredients is helpful, it seems to be unavoidable to those with a low socioeconomic status based on their economic, environmental and personal factors. "...[It] is not surprising considering the current structure of food prices is such that sweet and high-fat foods provide dietary energy at a low cost, whereas the energy cost of lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruit are likely to be higher" (Inglis, 2008). Another suggestion Pollan brings up is the idea that people should spend more money on nutritional foods in order to better their health (Pollan, 2007). As I previously mentioned, this suggestion disregards low-income households because money can be a barrier as to why they are not buying nutritional foods but unhealthy foods. What makes matters worse is the fact that Pollan states, "not everyone can afford to eat well in America, which is shameful, but most of us can….and those of us who can afford to eat, well should" (Pollan,

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