Summary Of Maria's Journey At Home

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Throughout the last sixteen chapters of the novel Maria describes how Carter and Helene visit her in a Neuropsychiatric facility and lets us, the readers know what happened in the desert. In chapter sixty-nine Carter asks Maria not to come to the set because her presence makes his new lover (Susannah Wood) nervous. The town they (the crew: Carter, Susannah, BZ, Helene, Harrison Porter, and Maria) were in was between Death Valley and the Nevada line. No one thought of as a town at all, only Maria did. She thought so, because the town was bigger than Silver Wells and had a motel, two gas stations, fresh meat and vegetables store, a Pentecostal church, and the bar that served only beer. Also, there was a bathhouse, which attracted elderly to the town. A major drawback of the town was that with the temperatures as high as 120- 130 the conditioners did not work. In the next chapter Maria asked Carter whether he liked having sex with Susannah. His response was that he did not particularly enjoy it. After that all of the crew members except Maria drove to Las Vegas. There, Susannah was beaten up in a room by Harrison Porter. In the same chapter (72) BZ reveals to Maria that Carter and Helene had been sleeping together. When Carter asked Maria what did she want her response was “I …show more content…

First of all, she did not participate there anyway. Second of all, Helene and Carter would not have blamed her for BZ’s suicide if she was in Los Angeles. Last but not the least, Maria could have taken care of Kate but instead she chose to reunite with Carter and the crew. BZ clearly overreacted. I mean Carlotta, BZ’s multi-millionaire mother paid him and Helene to stay together. Of course it might have irritated him, but why would you commit suicide if there are all means by which you can live your life happily and carelessly. After all, BZ could not take it anymore and Maria’s mental illness only worsened as the time has

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