Summary Of Identity By Julio Noboa Polanco

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“Ugly” is the most important word in “Identity” by Julio Noboa Polanco because he talks about wanting to be ugly if everyone is considered pretty. The author writes about why he’d rather be a weed if everyone else is considered a flower. How much more he’d rather be unseen and shunned by them. Throughout the poem, Julio Polanco describes how the life of a weed would be in comparison to that of a flower. To start off easily, in these two sections of the poem, the author blatantly says that he’d rather be a weed or be ugly if everyone were beautiful flowers. “I’d rather be a tall ugly weed, clinging on cliffs, like and eagle” “If I could stand alone, strong, and free, I’d rather be a tall, ugly, weed.” Ugly would be the most important word here not only because he says it more than once, but because he’s saying that's how he’d want to feel, or be looked at. In a way, when he says these things it almost sounds like he's making the flowers seem ugly …show more content…

In even more of the poem the author describes objects that are considered ugly and wishes to be with them or apart of them. For instance he says “ I’d rather smell of musty, green stench than of sweet, fragrant lilac.” and “ I’d rather be unseen, and if shunned by everyone than to be a pleasant-smelling flower.” he also makes some of these things that aren't necessarily ugly, sound very beautiful, like “ To be swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea, carrying my soul, my seed, beyond the mountains of time or into the abyss of the bizarre.” It was long but beautiful, but not the kind of beautiful he makes the flowers to be. A different kind of beautiful. These bits from the poem would make the word ugly important because he makes everything that would be ugly, beautiful in his poem, he changes it's meaning. Makes it different, and to change the meaning of a word into it's opposite would make the word

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