Summary: My Parents Interview With A Family

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This summary is on my parent interview with a family that has been married for many years and provide for two children. It will consist of the families Demographics, Relation to class material, Relation to Family Systems Theory, and Personal and Professional Applications that relate to my experiences and how I will and can use what I learned from this interview. My interview was with the mother and father on separate occasions. All adults that are parents will parent differently, due to the fact how they were raised themselves, their religion, and culture. Parents agree and disagree on other parents teachings. We as a whole live in a changing and adapting world. Sometimes parents need to be stronger and tougher on their children to be able …show more content…

The first concept with this family would be wholeness that they all work together and build as a team. They support, love, and cherish one another when they are upset or having conflict. The parents in this family talked and taught their children to be there for each other and if conflicts arise, then agree to disagree. The second concept discussed is rules. This family has an open relationship that helps understand explicit or implicit rules. The parents teach their children self-confidence and self-reliance at a young age. These teaching habits help this family become responsible. The third concept is roles and this outlines what is acceptable behavior. In this family interview, the parents stress how important it is to be there for each other and teach both children roles that the household does together. This family is not gender oriented when it comes to chores done by male or female. They work together. The fourth concept is the family’s communication style. This family works well with contextual communication because they work together and have an understanding of each other. When the mother states dinner is done, the children know to come to the table to

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