Summary: Examining Social Theories On The Family

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Examining Social Theories on the Family If one were to examine sociology at face value they may not be able to recognize that there is a degree of science and sociological theories that are embedded within it. Upon looking at families and their structures, there are a vast array of key theories that are used to observe their behaviors: explaining why they are the way they are. In addition, it is also imperative to look at how these theories ultimately affect families. Some theories that possess the most vivid and profound explanations on family structure are the conflict theory, interactionism theory, and the functionalism theory. These theories will be explored throughout the course of the paper to give individuals a deeper understanding …show more content…

L Tach also openly notes that matters such as cohabitation, divorce, and individuals having children outside of wedlock can lead to a significantly less stable life for the children that is impacts (2015). The family structure is changing from a traditional nuclear one (a heterosexual couple, with at least one child, living in the same home) to one that is more blended and incorporates more extended family or other individuals who are not part of the family at all: friends, coworkers, or even ex-spouses (Ferris & Stein, 2014). The structure of the family and the way is socializes children through interaction are key to exploring the family through interactionism. Due to the fact the layout of families are changing it will have an influence on the way children perceive their parents as well as the way that a “normal” family should be. As stated earlier, because children are around their family the most when they are younger, they will develop the mindset of what they are told, and what they are seeing as being correct and strive to emulate the actions and behaviors they observe. If children spend less time around their parents they will be less likely to develop traits similar to them. This is precisely why it is so crucial that parents set noble examples for their children so they can grow up and become …show more content…

The family is one the most vital structures that an individual can have in their life to guide them in making the right choices due to the fact they are the first ones that children come in to contact with when they are born. However, problems may arise causing families to experience different hardships in their lives. Additionally, due to changes in society such as the reconstruction of families, and a large amount of women entering the workforce, the structure of the family is being altered. Family ultimately has not only an impact on those within it, but on all members of society. This is the precise reason family structure is so important to keep and maintain. All of the theories differ in their structure but are similar in the fact that they all can explore the family

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