Subjecti Cation Foucault

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Foucault's objectication of subject deals with the dierent modes by which human beings are treated as subjects in our society. He identies three modes - Dividing practices, scientic classication and subjectication. Divid- ing practices is when people who suer from certain physical or mental disorders are isolated from society and conned to places which are meant to make them
t to be a part of socities, such as hospitals and prisions. Scientic classica- tion refers to the practice of certain disciplines such as medicine, pschycology, demographics etc. making use of human beings as their subject of study. Sub- jectication is when a person treats himself as the subject, and analyses and brings about changes in his own physical and …show more content…

Copernicus proved that the earth, which is home to the human race is not the centre of the universe. Darwin showed that we humans are not above the forces of nature. Freud then showed that even human reason is not what it was thought to be, and that human actions are completely driven by irrational and unconscious motivations. He aimed to study psycoanalysis as a natural science; as a specialized branch of medicine.
He wanted to show that psycoanalytic claims were the result of careful scentic investigation of the psitivist, natural science kind (Lapsley & Stey, 2011, p.
1-2). Therefore, Freud aims to practice psycoanalysis as a science with human beings as the subject. This is in accordance with Foucault's objectication of subject by the scientic classication mode.
Freud studied the case of hysteria patients. Hysteria patients seemed to suerf from various physical ailments, which had no neuorological base. This was because the outcome of the mental processes become strangulated as a re- sult of trauma. This gets converted as physical symptoms. Under hypnosis, the strangulation was freed and the aects of the mental acts were discharged in

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