Strengths And Weaknesses Of Personalization In Social Care

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This assignment will focus on personalisation which is a social care approach described by the Department of Health meaning “every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings”. (Dunning, 2008) In addition to this, personalisation is about giving people more choice and control over their lives in all social care settings. It also means to recognise the user as a person with strengths and preferences and it starts with the user instead of the service (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2012). The aim of this assignment is to look at both the strengths and weaknesses of personalisation and the service user I have …show more content…

Personalisation allows people living with disabilities to shape their own lives and the services they receive so they are happy and in control of their own care. (Mencap, 2015) An example of doing this is with the creation of a personal pot of funding which is in place so that the individual is able to take control in choosing how the money is spent, as well as choosing the type of services they want to receive to benefit there specific needs. (SCIE, 2015) Another strength of personalisation is that the flexibility of the service is enhanced, meaning that the service provided is fitted around the service user's time on top of their specific needs rather than the care being provided fitted around the carer’s schedule. This is beneficial as the service user is likely to feel valued and more in control of their life as well as making it an effective tool for working with ‘hard to reach clients’. Furthermore, personalisation is also shown to be consistently cost effective. Statistics shows direct payments support is on average 30-40% cheaper than the directly provided services. (Dunning, 2008) In addition to this, the relationship between the individual and their carer is likely to improve as the carer and relatives are able to access the direct payments. This shows confidence in the service and trust between the service user and carer. In addition to this, the quality of care is likely to increase, as the carer will feel more motivated with the confidence that they are doing a good job. (Spicker, 2012) Personalisaiton being in place means that costs can be reduced, as people who control their spending and budget are likely to find better solutions for meeting their specific needs,

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