Strengths And Consequences Of Sustainability In The Missouri State

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At Missouri State, there are three public affairs pillars that students and staff follow: ethical leadership, cultural competence, and community engagement. These three pillars relate to this year’s public affairs theme of “Sustainability in Practice: Consensus and Consequences.” Sustainability is the ability to maintain or improve a specific thing. This year’s theme not only relates to the three pillars of Missouri State, but it also relates to different professions such as nursing, it can relate to volunteering in different communities, and it can relate to the environment. Sustainability helps the students and staff of Missouri State, a variety of different people in different communities, and many people that peruse different professions …show more content…

The nursing profession can provide an excellent example of sustainability. Sustainability in nursing allows people all over the world to have access to staying healthy by nurses providing an environment where people who are sick or hurt to have access to medicine and access to someone with the education to provide the right dosage and health care for them. Nurses also provide new medical research that can help doctors all across the world come up with cures for different diseases or infections. Anna Anaker and Marie Elf wrote in their article Sustainability in nursing: a concept analysis that, “The international Council of Nursing states that sustainable development is concerned with providing a framework whereby groups, communities and individuals have access to resources and opportunities and can exercise their rights to create infrastructures that promote healthy communities” (328). This quote relates the healthcare profession to sustainability by allowing communities to have a healthy environment in which they can have access to medicines and health care. Nurses can help sustainability in the medical field by continuing to make new discoveries with every patient. By doing so, the medical field will continue to improve in order to provide even better medical

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