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Strategic Values
An organization is defined by its values. The article reviewed discusses how an organization’s values attracts and motivates employees, suppliers and investors, (Crawford & Scaletta, 2006). The author suggests that in order to be successful an organization would need to employ a value based strategy. The purpose of this paper is to determine the importance values play when developing a business strategy. The author indicates that in order for a business to be successful they need to exemplify their values and incorporate them into their overall business strategy. The article notes that stakeholders want to work with an organization that share their values and if organization does not take this in consideration than their
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The author notes that the biggest challenge for any business today is attracting top talent. According to Crawford & Scletta (2006), “Ninety-seven per cent of the MBAs surveyed as part of the Stanford study stated they prefer to work for an employer that shares similar values, or organizations that have a positive reputation, can demonstrate good ethical performance, and focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR),” (p. 1). The author states that for an organization to be competitive they need to match the values of the top tier talent there attempting to acquire. The article suggests this could be accomplished through value focused strategy. The article also states the consequences of losing valuable employees may cost an organization up to $50,000. The article makes it clear that it makes financial sense for an organization to meet the goals of prospective and current employees. The author suggests that each person defines their values differently and organization will need to address these differences. The article also suggests that an organization needs to find the correct tools to evaluate values. The author uses Walmart has an example of successful company with value based strategy, “values that helped create the world 's largest retailer: treat the customer right, take care of your people, be honest in your dealings, pass savings along to the customer, keep things simple, think …show more content…
According to Sam Walton, “"Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community, “(Crawford & Scletta, 2006, p.2). One may disagree with this assertion due the recent criticism of Walmart in the press. One could argue that the organization is bad example of a value based organization based on the current bad press regarding its treatment of employees and suppliers. Walmart would be great example of an organization that does incorporate their values in their strategic plan. Another criticism of the article is that author recommends using tools to evaluate the success of values integration, but does not provide more detail to how best to evaluate organization. One would agree that if organization is trying to achieve values based strategy than they would need to incorporate some type of evaluation system. The author provides several studies to support that it makes financial sense to employ value based strategy. “A 2004 study conducted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business of more than 800 MBAs at 11 leading North American and European business schools provides ample evidence that organizational values are critically important to both recruitment and retention of employees,” (Crawford & Scletta (2006), p. 2). One would conclude that stakeholders are looking to work with
Values include competence, integrity, objectivity, honesty, loyalty to the employer, responsibility to users of financial...
Target Corporation is the biggest discount retailing business in the US which comes just after Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The headquarters are located in Minneapolis in Minnesota in the USA. George Dayton founded it. It initially started as a family business with a regional retailer shop and later grew into a national full retailer store. The company’s main aim is to offer retail services at friendly rates and, its main attracting feature is discount rates offed on different products in the business. The company has indicated tremendous growth in the retail business. It has a target to outgrow its market and achieve competitive advantage over its competitors. This essay seeks to discuss the competitive analysis and
The Competing Values Framework is originated by Quinn and Rohrbaugh. It emphasizes the organizational problems and choices faced by managers. The framework is divided into various managerial roles corresponding situations, as well as specific organizational environments. For instance, the facilitator and mentor roles rely on cohesion and morale to bring about human resource development within the organization. While the innovator and broker roles rely on flexibility and readiness in order to receive the growth and resource needed to perform an effective organization. The director and producer roles are more applicable for planning and goal setting skills and will result in productivity and efficiency. The monitor and coordinator roles are intended to managing information and communicating. The framework can also be divided into two main roles. The first four mentioned above are the transformational roles, and the last four are the transactional roles (Belasen, 1996). The transformational roles are more aimed toward making changes and developments, while the transactional roles have strong emphasizes on managerial authorities. The key to becoming a master manager is to be a successful manager who is able to perform each role in order to cope with all difficulties being faced as a manager (Quinn, 1988). A successful manager is also someone who is perceived by others as performing all of the eight roles more frequent than a normal manager and recognizes each of its importance thoroughly (Denison, 1995). A study by Bono (2004) also shows that giving importance to any specific working environment, such as rational goal model, may lower the effectiveness of other areas. Denison and Spreitzer (1991) stated that when a manager does not gi...
The first value, integrity, refers to a strong commitment to ethics, having respect for diversity, and speaking positively of coworkers even when they are not around. Accountability puts an end to people diverting blame. If people are accountable for their actions, results become the primary focus. Passion is one of the values, and is practiced by employees having pride in their brand, as well as a passion to continually improve and innovate. Humility is a very important value in that it stresses the importance of admitting to mistakes, realizing that there is constant room for learning, and being willing to be taught....
In this book, Jim Collins also challenges the notion that "people are your most important asset" and postulates, instead, that "the right people are." Despite the author's emphasis on finding the right people, there's no evidence that a company has to have concern for its employees as a core value for it to be great. There are a number of inherently great companies that didn't have this. I don't think Walt Disney cared about his people. He cared about films, and Disneyland, and smiles of kids. On the other side, with Hewlett-Packard and IBM, you had the antithesis of Walt Disney. When you look at corporate history, what matters is not what core values you have but that you have core value, and that you believe them. As another example, take David Maxwell's bus ride. When he became CEO of Fannie Mae in 1981, the company was losing $1 million every business day, with $56 billion worth of mortgage loans under water. The board desperately wanted to know what Maxwell was going to do to rescue the company. Maxwell responded to the "what" question the same way that all good-to-great leaders do: He told them, "That's the wrong first question.
Nike Inc. is a very successful publicly traded sportswear and equipment company based in the United States. Nike is a multi-national and Fortune 500 company. It has reached achievements in their innovation in products that Nike has become one of the most recognized companies today and companies dream to have what Nike has created. The main headquarters for the company is in the Portland area near Beaverton, Oregon. Nike leads the world in supplying athletic apparel and shoes. Nike shows how devoted they are in the satisfaction of their customer’s needs that it shines upon their mission statement and encompasses their vision. Nike ensures to go far and
Values remind me of ethics and morals, necessary in any walk of life and imperative in the work place. These concepts are guidelines in which employees need to follow to be successful. “Values represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.” (Robbins, 136) Integrity, courage, service, wisdom, respect and goal setting are a few of the values that are most crucial to me and what I hope to achieve within any work place setting. Values should be lived every day in the work place and should exemplify the
We can build customer loyalty by revealing the values to the customer. Customers will often go out of their way to support companies that share their values. We can build employee allegiance by revealing the values to the employees.
The Concept of Shared Value is becoming major point of concern now-a-days. Most businesses are relying on creating shared value. Many renowned companies are focusing on value creation e.g Intel a big Name in Technology has the policy that their every employee attend the seminar based on value creation.( Vadim Kotelnikov) According to World Socialist Movement Capitalism is the process in which the economics of the country is in private ownership.(2006) Capitalism has only lead to economic and societal distress. Many businesses are now viewed as to create many economic, societal and social problems which are becoming difficult to solve. Many businesses are focusing on old ways of creating shared value. Shared value actually is a term used for making such policies and strategies that help the businesses to achieve societal and economic progress of the community in which it operates. (James Epstein-Reeves 2012). There are many opportunities in the society which leads to value creation. Main opportunities involves the basic needs of the society which can be fulfilled by devising innovative ways to produce something that caters to that particular need by cutting the cost that the firm bears. (Porter,Kramer,2011,pp 64-77)
Wal-mart has a reputation for caring for its customers, of course their employees, and for the prospective public. So Wal-Mart can be an industrial leader for the world of shoppers with an eye for lower affordable prices, company decision makers would continue it's systematic strategies that it's founder and president established years ago. Sam Walton believed in three guiding principles in his strategy planning they were to provide the customer with good value and service, to have a good relationship with its associates, and to be involved with the community.
Morley, D. D. & Shockley-Zalabak, P. (1991). Setting the Rules: An Examination of Organizational Founders’ Values. Management Communication Quarterly, 4, 422–449.
A diversified company has two levels of strategy: business unit (or competitive) strategy and corporate (or companywide) strategy. Competitive strategy concerns how to create competitive advantage in each of the businesses in which a company competes. Corporate strategy concerns two different questions: what businesses the corporation should be in and how the corporate office should manage the array of business units.
“Values are the beliefs of an individual, group, or organization, in which they are emotionally invested” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2015). Many organizations consider corporate values strategically import for building their company’s reputation and keeping the customers’ confidence and allegiance. That, however, is only a tiny portion of the strategic benefits that organizational values can offer. “Further benefits include:guidance for decision-making on all levels, selection criterion for new employees, driver for individual and corporate behavior on all levels supporting the vision, mission, and goals of the company, and effective definition and implementation of core values” (Gupta, 2015). Values within a company need to be more than just a few words that sound nice to ensure overall acceptance within an organization. “Effective core values need to be emotionally appealing and workable” (Gupta,
What is strategic management? In this study we will view what a manager’s role is and the development of strategic management has an affect on their companies performance. We will examine strategic management, what the benefits and problems are when utilizing strategic management, and how to implement strategic management in the company.
Yet, the gauge we use to define these things, or the level of importance they hold in our lives, can be dangerous. Again, what is our value system?