Story Of An Hour Point Of View Essay

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Story of an Hour (Brently Mallard Point of View) The day started off worse than most. Brently Mallard was in the middle of an argument with his wife, Louise. He felt as though the day could not get any worse. The lengthy argument caused Brently to lose track of time “Look at the time! I will be late for work!” he said to his grumbling wife as he grabbed his things and bolted out the door. While hastily making his way to work on foot, he grumbled and moaned to himself about all the disastrous happenings of the day, thus far. “Why do we have to argue over such petty things? Why can’t we just say our goodbyes and leave each other on a happy note? Why did it have to rain?” he said, mumbling to himself as the town-folk watched him stomp his feet in the rain-filled water …show more content…

We have never seen such a thing!” the doctors would often say. Brently loved his wife-most of the time. She was an unusual specimen, though. It wasn’t her occasional lack of love towards him that irritated the very fibers in his brain; it was his wife’s desire to be free. She always had a free spirit, but Brently could never understand what she was trying to be free from. Was it her desire to see the world? Was she not content with her life? Was marriage a bondage to her? So many questions went unanswered for Brently. As Mr. Mallard arrived at the front door of the office, he quickly noticed that over half of the other employees had not arrived yet. Hanging his coat and hat on the hanger, he approached the manager’s office to inquire about the other employees. “Is there such a wealth among men that they no longer need to work for a living?” he said, insinuating the lack of employees in the office. “I believe the train has been delayed in transporting them. Look at you! You are drenched! Go back to your home and don some dry clothes” said the Manager, as he puffed on his tobacco pipe. “Come back when you look decent enough to work

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