Steve Jobs Argument Essay

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Humans are always looking for a purpose in life. The definition of life in biological terms is different than asking a person what life means to them. Everybody defines life differently, however, their goals are all unknowingly similar. In Steve Jobs brilliantly inspiring Commencement Address to graduates in college, he states his importance of his reason to live. His tells these advice to the graduates in hope to inspire them and give them a pathway to why living is important. People should follow Steve Jobs’s brilliant advice in order to live a satisfying life because he has gone through many tough experiences and became successful.
As people mature, they learn various things and how these skills have helped them build up to where they are …show more content…

For Steve Jobs, he declares, “ I was lucky- I found what I loved to do early in life” (Jobs 11). Students normally have the most trouble finding out what they want to pursue in their future. Some do it because their family tells them too and others want to explore the best of their options. Regardless, as long as they find what they like, it adds another reason to why they wake up everyday. Unfortunately, life is not always going to go smoothly as Jobs says, “ And then I got fired (...) I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over” (Jobs 11-12). However, even when the most unexpected situations happen, people need to make the best out of the situation. They can find a new job with the same major they like, they can create a new company, and there are so many opportunities out in the world that can bring them out of the devastating news. The love to pursue is what gives them motivation to keep going. Steve also states, “ You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is a great work” (Jobs 15). Humans psychologically choose to do averagely in things they do not have an interest in or are forced to do something because they need it to live. Only when they find their passion, working …show more content…

In a video called, Happy by Roko Belic, the film follows a series of different people who are successful and happy. Steve Jobs’s advice is irrelevant to them as they have their own reason to live. Unfortunately, in the film, when it focused on Japan, people were successful but they did not know their meaning in life. Majority of the people in Japan are very successful, but the risk of suicide was extremely high. Even when Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer he claimed, “ My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctors for prepare to die (...) Your time is limited, so don’t waste your time living in someone else’s life” (Jobs 19-23). For many people, they want to be successful, but they also forget about their physical well being. The moment people know that they are going to pass away, then they start to regret. Also like Steve Jobs, Robert Eger was diagnosed with cancer as the article reveals, “ He could no longer eat or drink, and he had lost his voice entirely (...) he began writing an online journal” (Jones 12-15). People need a reason to live and finding what a person likes to do is ultimately what makes a person

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