Stereotyping Stepmother

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Stereotyping stepmother: myths and portrayals
Debadyuti Karmakar
Assistant Professor in Sociology
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya Reconstituted families are one of the significant phenomena incase of family and relationships. It is ‘significant ‘ because not only it affects all the members of the family involved , but also the values/attitudes attached in such relationships are in many ways different from what we understand as ‘normal families’. ‘Step parenting’ is not seen in the same light with that of normal parenting; and the notion itself is burdened with pejorative pre-assumed values .Hence, the paper attempts to elucidate on such stereotypical conventions surrounding step mother and some reflections on actual …show more content…

Lately, this definition has been enlarged to incorporate acknowledgement of the partner of the child, including children out of adoption, cohabitation or partners belonging to same sex relationships. However, given the diversities of the notion of stepmother, the cultural stereotypes are more or less uniformly experienced by stepmothers in general. Affection of biological mother is always somewhat more integral and intimate towards her children as against stepmother, who is comparatively more distant and cold. Taking fairy tales as a clue, Psychoanalytic theory following Sigmund Freud saw stepmother reflecting latent content of wish fulfillment and repressed sexual desires. Freud’s stepmother concept was related to oedipal conflict. Carl Jung, on the other hand espoused wicked stepmother as representing destroying mother. Bruno Bettleheim viewed stepmother depression arising from psychic splitting. Feminist theory saw stepmother constructs as reinforcing status quo of the …show more content…

“When it comes to sexual matters, mothers are often portrayed as morally superior to fathers and to other women---- a misrepresentation that makes it easier for many children to believe that their stepmother or their father is the “bad guy” or the guilty party when it comes to sexual betrayal and promiscuity”.(cited in Nielsen 2004:p.116). Stepmothers may find it easier to get close to her stepchildren in cases whereby the mother has been working outside as such children tend to be more self-reliant, socially mature, and less overly dependent on their mother. Mothers’ style of parenting also has imprints on stepmothers’ way of experience. Many commentators have observed that children of unmarried mothers tend to be less socially mature, less self-reliant, less self-disciplined, less psychologically well adjusted than children living with married parents.” A stepmother also faces troubles as when have not created orderly well managed home with clearly established, dependable routines and schedules”. Level of educational attainment is also a significant marker of attitudes toward stepmother as it is observed mothers with higher educational attainment are possessive and hostile about mothering. Even after divorce, a well educated mother is resentful because she is now forced to work outside in order to maintain standard of

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