Stereotyping Essay

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tereotypes can be useful and beneficial in certain scenarios. There are many benefits to embracing stereotypes they can help you to make safe or smart choices about people by observing them and weather they look dangerous. Why does almost every person in the world stereotype even though it can hurt people? There must be benefits that drive every human to embrace stereotypes. According to the dictionary, stereotyping is an idea that is used to describe a particular type of person or thing, or vice versa, a person or thing thought to represent such an idea. It is natural to stereotype and everyone tends to do it to some degree, whether they want to admit it or not. There are lots of different stereotypes that people usually form. Most often people will stereotype based on physical appearance, or actions that they observe …show more content…

If we go back to the example of the drive-through at McDonald’s, if you are an overweight person and you are consuming a Big Mac with large fries, you know you are embodying the exact stereotype that people often see at MacDonald’s. It is one’s choice to let the fear of being an object to stereotypes prevent you from making the choices you want, or instead keep doing what you wish, and being who you are. Another example of stereotyping is the assumption that people with long hair, piercings and tattoos could be more dangerous. If an officer were to pull over a person with those features, usually the officer would react differently and approach a person with caution for safety reasons. Compared to a clean-cut person in his suit who just got back from work, the officer might treat these kinds of people differently. While the officer wouldn’t think they were stereotyping or being prejudice or racist, they would approach these people differently. To subconsciously make the most safe choices, how to react the best and differently to the different

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