Concepts From Watching The Rennaissance Man

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In this class over the semester we have discussed different concepts that are used in small group and interpersonal communication. When watching the Renaissance Man during class there were three concepts that stood out to me. The three concepts that I found while watching the movie are stereotypes, self-disclosure, and group development. Also, the Be Careful poem I was able to relate to my life.
Stereotyping is something that we do without noticing it. Stereotype is a predictive generalization applied to a person or situation (Johns). We will put them into a group according to their race, how they dress, or how they talk.
In the movie Renaissance Man there is a seen where Bill Rago and Corporal Jackson Leroy are talking in the cafeteria. They have just finished talking about why Corporal Jackson Leroy football career had ended and why he did not want his son to play football. Bill Rago then starts to talk about a renaissance man named Leon Battista Alberti. Bill Rago tells Corporal Jackson Leroy about everything that Leon Battista Alberti had accomplished and had done during his life; Bill Rago points out that the only reason why he remembers Leon Battista Alberti is because “he could stand with his feet together like this, and jump over a man’s head (Marshall)”. Then Corporal Jackson Leroy said “he was kind of like a smart jock (Marshall)”. When Corporal Jackson Leroy said that he then said that is kind of an oxymoron. This showing that to Corporal Jackson Leroy the stereotype of jock is someone that is not intelligent but rather the one that is mostly shown on television as being the dumb on in the class that barely passes the class.
Self-disclosure is the revealing of information to another who would not otherwise have kn...

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... the concepts that I have learned this semester and be able to analyze how the character used them. In the Renaissance Man I was able to see stereotyping how Corporal Jackson Leroy was a jock as only being stupid, Self-disclosure and how every student in Bill Rago class had to share why they had joined the army in front of the whole class and also Bill Rago who they had only meet once before, and the last concept was group development how Bill Rago was able to become a part of the group and the leader and how the group was able to read the book Hamlet. I was also able to relate the poem Be Careful to my life and how important my thoughts are because in the end they become my legacy.

Works Cited

Johns, Becky. Connecting: Interpersonal and Small Group Communication. 2nd. Ogden, 2013.
Renaissance Man. Dir. Penny Marshall. Touchstone Pictures, 1994. Motion Picture.

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