Stanley's Friendship Quotes

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Stanley’s change “We cannot become what we want to be remaining what we are.” What this quote is saying is that you can’t change when you stay with who you think you are. That’s the same as Stanley Yelnats thought. Through the influence of Zero’s friendship, Stanley changes from shy o brave. At the beginning of the book, Stanley is Timid. The first text evidence is “He didn’t have any friends at home,”(Sachar 7) This is saying that Stanley is too shy to make any friends. The second piece of text evidence is“kids at his middle school often teased him about his size.”(Sachar 7)This means that Stanley just lets the kids bully him and he is to shy to stand up for himself. The third text evidence is “He looked around. Mr.Pendanski was filling zero’s …show more content…

The first piece of text evidence is “...Know the percent change in Stanley’s weight.”(Sachar 230) Which is saying that Stanley won’t get bullied and can stick up for himself. The second piece of text evidence is “I can’t leave Hector”(Sachar 219) This quote proves that Stanley is sticking up for Zero because he has learned a lot including bravery from Zero. The third and last piece of text evidence is that the Warden wanted the suitcase and told a lie to the Authority General, but Stanley was brave enough to talk back to the warden and say “That’s not true!”(Sachar 214) This quote proves that Stanley stood up and told the truth with bravery even though the warden was lying. Stanley has changed in internal and external ways. He’s changed to stick up for himself and be brave. Stanley is from a poor family that was cursed. Stanley Yelnats resolved that curse because of destiny’s shoes and Zero that lead Stanley in the right direction. Stanley was a changing character in the novel and changed from being shy to being brave. A lesson learned from the book is “You cannot become what we want to be remaining who we are.” which means

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