Stalking Behavior Article Summary

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2.1 Citizen’s knowledge and experience of stalking
Citizen’s knowledge and experience of stalking is likely to affect their perception towards ‘stalking’. In this study, Winnie, a 23-year-old student, is invited to share her opinion towards stalking.

When asking what is the definition of stalking, Winnie suggests that stalking include “a series of behaviors which cause someone to feel being disturbed”. She lists some behaviors which regard as stalking like stalking by telephone, making unwelcome visits, collecting debts or sending unwanted gifts to someone. She thinks wait outside the victim’s home or workplace, following them, watching or videotaping their daily life are common stalking involved with family members and intimate partners. …show more content…

Stalking is a very complicated phenomenon which involved by a series of repeated behaviors, but not necessarily illegal [0.1 p74]. So, it is hard to have a clear definition of stalking. Winnie also indicates the difficulty:

I think there may be difficulties on successfully convict the stalker as the definition of the law is not clear enough. The law should include what kind of stalking behaviors should be involved in the offence. But I think it is hard to include all kinds of stalking behaviors in the law.

Furthermore, Winnie agrees that some kinds of newsgathering activities should be included in the law, like the paparazzi who stalked the celebrities. But she also concerns about the press freedom of the proper news gathering activities. She points out that someone who did wrong things and unwilling to be interviewed may ask for legal action by claiming he is being stalked. She shares the same concern with the journalists’ group. [100] The journalists argue that press freedom would be intervene and reporting would be disrupted. They support the news gathering activities should exempt from the law. In contrast, there are opposing opinions that the exemption may weaken the protection to victims. [50] Although the criminalizing stalking may help to protect victims who suffer from persistent harassment, concerns from different sides need to be

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