St. Clair College Chairs Essay

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A good thing about St. Clair College is that you never miss a place to sit, there is always a chair nearby. Although this is a good thing many places like classes, libraries, open areas and even laboratories have mobile chairs. In some cases, like laboratories, mobile chairs are convenient but in most areas the mobile chairs have many disadvantages. A simple solution can fix this problem.
Most St. Clair College chairs are not secured to the ground. These chairs are a great source of noise since most students drag these chairs to their favourite spots. In other cases, some chairs are damaged because students or visitors lean back on them loosening the chair’s legs forcing the college to purchase new chairs since its student …show more content…

They can be used on concrete surface without breaking the concrete or interfering with its appearance.
Ground anchor: How does it work?
A ground anchor is a nail that can be drilled on each side of a chair without taking extra space. One nail can be used on each side at alternating positions. Using ground anchors to secure the chairs to the ground eradicates all mentioned problems all together.
Purchasing these ground anchors might seem costly but not more than having to replace each broken chair. The average price of a school chair ranges from $25 to $45. For $40.95, 100 concrete anchors can be purchased which is enough to secure 50 chairs to the ground. Comparing these prices, $25 could be saved for each chair that is secured to the ground assuming there would be no other ways these chairs could be damaged (which in a college’s case are minimal) and a penny saved is a penny earned. Home depot carries these types of anchors at the price mentioned above. The good thing about the anchors is that it does not require skilled personnel to secure these chairs, semi-skilled workers can do the job. Considering the college’s total classes and areas with mobile chairs a minimum of 2 weeks will be sufficient for measuring and securing the

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