Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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On the eve of Arabians' conquers, their destinations were the countries, which were living the degradation periods. Middle Eastern countries stood among such kind of countries. Wars between Byzantine and Sasanian Empires, and abusing of valuable sources made Middle East powerless. Arabians prefer to change politically and religiously less organized societies (Lapidus I 2002). Therefore, Arabians choose to conquer new places and spread Islam religion among new places. Islam came Middle East with Arab’s occupation. When Arabians entered new areas they settled their army around those lands, built new buildings and enlarged their population at that countries. This fact was proved by Marcus Millwright that “New settlements were constructed to house …show more content…

The founder of Islam was Prophet Muhammad, and holy book of Islam is Quran. When Islam was created by Prophet Muhammad, his aim to make all the Arabians as a Muslim and then to conquer new places for spreading of Islam. The Arabian Peninsula was largely under the control of the Prophet Muhammad before his death in 632, and virtually all of the Byzantine territories of Greater Syria and Egypt were captured by the early 640s (Millwright M 2010). If religion were changed, the structure of the society, would be changed. People obeyed new tradition, rules of religion based on Quran. So, society became to change. When they accepted to be Muslim, people should obey 5 rules of Islam: pray for Allah five times in a day, give Zakat or Sadaqa to poor one time during a year, fasting during Ramadan holiday for 30 days, if people have opportunity they can visit Mecca (Kaba), and Muslim population should know specific words for being Muslim (convert to Islam). Muhammad worked to create a community based on shared religious beliefs, which would transcend the traditional social structure based on families, would unite disparate groups into a new Arabian societies (Lapidus I 2002). According to Lapidus, Arabian society was pretty changed after the Islamic period. The religion was lead to Arabians to conquer the new

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