Sports Psychology Research Paper

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What is Sports psychology and how do psychologist help athletes?

Sports psychology? What is it? Well, the complex definition of sports psychology is that it is an interdisciplinary science that draws on knowledge from many related fields including biomechanics, physiology, kinesiology and psychology. In addition it involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors. Quite similarly, in my opinion sports psychology is essentially on how the mind affects physical activity and athletic performance. Usually sports physiologists help athletes cope with stress, pain, or pressure. The main factors psychologist try to help with and what I will …show more content…

Confidence is always important in everyday life yet there are millions of shy people in this world. In sports, it is vital. Confidence can inevitably help you in many ways. You need to be able to take risks - be strong and wrong, or you will never be able to achieve what you're capable of. It is ok to make mistakes. Maintaining a consistent exercise schedule shows that you can repeat the performance. For example if you're able to run three miles three times a week, you will gain confidence in your ability to run this distance again in the future. When emotional pressure is added, such as when you run a three-mile race, nervousness might impact your performance. By using mental imagery to simulate the pressures of competition, it's possible to reduce anxiety that …show more content…

Self esteem causes arrogance and pride. In some cases it is bad however sport physiologist use it to help athletes. If you become more proficient at a sport, you will gain self-esteem. This positive emotion will translate into other areas, such as the classroom. While learning a sport, you'll benefit more from a coach who praises your abilities than one who hurts your self-esteem. This feeling of success will build up your self-esteem, increasing your chances of continuing the sport and improving your physical abilities. Coaches must give you growth mindset feedback in order to help you think

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