Sports Leader Communication Skills

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Every sport leader should be organised and prepared for whatever they’re doing. You must have a clear understanding of what equipment you need to deliver each sports or physical activity session or event. Before you start the session, you should make sure you have all the needed equipment prepared, meaning you need to make sure everything you are going to use is working and aware how you use it in a safe and effective way.

A sports leader would be organized by having the equipment ready for when the session began and would have the eact stuff for every game/activity in the sports session.

COMMUNICATION// Sports leader will use a variety of methods when communicating to the participants in their sports sessions// …show more content…

Non-verbal communication often helps sports performer read the mood of the sports leader this is good when they are in the distance and would not hear them.
Communication between the leader and performer should be a two-way process, supporting the development of knowledge for both.

A sports leader would need a clear voice that can be used throughout the session to show the particpants what they need to know to improve next time as well as how tod o the certain activity. A sports leader also needs to listen so the partiipants can have a say of whats happening in the session and if they need help with the activity.

Sports leader should have a wealth of knowledge about the sport they are delivering, including:

-the technical and tactical demands of the sport
-the specific fitness requirements of the sport
-law, rules and regulations of the sport
-the treatment of basic sports injuries and first-aid …show more content…

The targets set from the sports leader will demand a mixture of skills, fitness and coordination. There is always the possibility of accidents happening in the lessons, you need to identify the hazards. Sports leader have the reasonability of their students during the lesson, therefore this means they are under the sports leaders supervision. This means that you need to know the hazards so you prevent these things from happening. The sports leader is to ensure they are safe at all times, as well as being aware of the risks that could cause injuries.

Sports leaders need to be able to know the basic health and safety regulations as well as the hazards so they can prevent this from happening. they need to kmow this because accidents can happen alot in sports sessions therfore the leaders need to know how to act upon these.

As a sports leader, you must have an insurance that covers the participate in the physical activity, and lead sports or physical activity sessions. It is the sports leader reasonability for the safety of all their students under their supervision. If any student was to get injured during a physical activity, the sports leader would be responsible for the accident and might be considered negligent.

Sports leaders need to be able have insurence incase anything happens during the session.


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