Split Movie Analysis

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Film Review " Split " My film review that I chose was the film " Split". Split is about a 2-hour long movie about a guy with multiple personalities. From a psychological standpoint, many people would think this as crazy or insane. Surely, they would because I thought it was crazy and it would freak me out just a little. The movie was released in 2016 and written by M. Night Shyamalan starring James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy and Betty Buckley. It took about 9 million to make but from a phycological viewpoint of the movie it was worth it because it showed you different things that can affect our minds and how are brain can be wired differently. This movie revolved around one character and his phycological issues and how they were displayed. …show more content…

What I have learned about this disorder is that the states of mind alternately show up in the persons behavior accompanied by forgetfulness. With this seizure you can receive seizures or you can be distracted and daydream. This disorder that I learned about is usually caused by trauma or forms of stress. This disorder has no true treatment to resolve this, as clearly shown in the movie; there is no way to really resolve this man's treatment besides the doctor voice but usually in real life that is very rare. This movie really portrayed this disorder to its fullest extent. This movie was a very clear clinical picture. This movie showed each personality of this disorder and its causes in great detail and it helped me learn more about these types of personality disorder because I never knew about these disorders until now. The in-depth breakdown of each personality in this disorder made me deeply think about the persons state and how someone who has this disorder might not be able to control how they function because its sporadic; sporadic meaning it happens in spurts so you might be in one personality but when the other personality arrives, there's nothing you can do about it because you can't control it. An example of this in the movie was when Dennis" invites Dr. Fletcher to his home, where he reveals that "The Beast" is real, and that he has met him. Dr. Fletcher finds Claire in …show more content…

The movie script used more of the up to date term of dissociative identity disorder rather than the multiple identity disorder that referred to Kevin's disorder. This isn't the only problem; the rest of the film repeatedly fixates on the brains potential to change a body's physiology. Also, many on screen depictions of mental illness have been wrong as well which has causes many myths but those were soon put to rest. Many people thought that the person in this movie actually had these multiple disorders but they were shocked when they found out it was fake and all played out. Now even though there is a disability that can give you all these effects, the way the movie portrayed it I thought was a little misleading and could raise many eyebrows even though the movie itself was good I think that if you are to make a movie like this then it would be better to make the movie as like a based on a true story. All in all this movie was good from a movie watcher perspective but from my psychological standpoint and viewpoint; this movie could have been made differently or at least the disorder could have be more related to the whole disorder as a whole and not just a specific part because not only did the misinterpretation lead people to having many unanswered questions but it missed the other important parts when dealing with a disorder like this and if you look at this from a

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