Speech For Valedictorian Address

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Valedictorian Address Good evening friends, family, staff, and fellow graduates. It is with great honour and privilege that I present to you Woodland’s graduating Class of 2015. On behalf of all of my classmates, I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming here to celebrate this special occasion with us. I would like to begin by thanking our parents, grandparents, and extended family for their support and guidance during our time at Woodland. Each one of you has played a special role in our journey through high school, and tonight we celebrate the culmination of this journey. Whether by editing our papers, helping us with homework, driving us home from practice or visiting us on grandparent’s day, you have together created …show more content…

You have spent the last four years enriching our lives with knowledge and intellect that will remain with us the rest of our lives. But you’ve been more than just educators; you’ve been role models to all of us. You have gone above and beyond what is required of you as a teacher, and your dedication to your careers certainly shows. In fact, I am probably one of the few valedictorians this year that can thank my teachers for NOT threatening to go on strike! You have provided examples of strong leadership, creativity, and Christian character. You have supported us through car accidents and sports injuries, and everything in between. For all of this, we thank …show more content…

As you might notice, the last four years have been a time of growth. For many of us, that has been physical growth (show a few more pictures). But we’ve also grown in so many other ways. After spending four years together, we’ve actually grown to like each other. The first day of Grade 9 was intimidating, as we were thrown head first into a brand new school with brand new people. We did not all start out as friends. But school trips to Tobermory, Quebec, Medeba Adventure Centre, Washington, and Europe have had an uncanny ability to draw us together and cause new friendships to grow. While the size of each student at Woodland has increased, so has our school! Through the generous support of many of you, we have been blessed this year with a brand new addition at Woodland. Some of the highlights of the addition include a double gym, a permanent stage for music performances, and a brand new art room. This addition has enriched our high school experience, and we thank you for your generous donations, which made it

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