End Of Life Research Paper

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End of Life

Health Science 3, Period 2

Jake Mouton Aggressive Treatment or Palliative Care? The 5-year survival rate is about 15% to 20%. The 10-year survival is about 10% to 15%. The outlook is better if the spread is only to distant parts of the skin or distant lymph nodes rather than to other organs, and if the blood level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is normal.
Ipilimumab is a new drug used to prolong the life of patients with stage 4 melanoma. This can cause very severe side effects. It has never been shown to cure melanoma. "A small portion of melanomas have changes in the C-KIT gene. These melanomas might be helped by targeted drugs such as imatinib (Gleevec) and nilotinib (Tasigna), although, again, these drugs are not known to cure these melanomas."(Cancer, …show more content…

In all my time on earth I was very thankful to my friends and family. I have valued all my friends throughout the years. School has changed me, and made me realize that you don’t need many friends as long as they are good ones. We had a lot of good times and I will miss them dearly. To my family, I love you all. You guys always looked out for me and helped me during hard times while I was growing up. Thank you.
Completing this end of life project has greatly helped me prepare for inevitable; death. It helped me figure out the costs for a burial and cremation. It also helped me understand what a eulogy and obituary are. Planning your own funeral helps you be an empathetic, compassionate, person in the medical field because it helps me better understand what happens after you die and it also help make death seem very real. Death can happen at any time and I need to be prepared. If you are working in the medical field with a dying patient, you need to put yourself in their shoes to fully understand their situation and how to better help them prepare for death. If you do not do this you will not be good medical field

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