Special Event Assignment: Granger Smith Concert

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Special Event Assignment On September 23, 2017, I attended the Luke Bryan, Brett Eldridge, and Granger Smith concert. It took place in Dallas, Texas at the Starplex Pavillion. I attended the event to listen to well-known country artists preform. Going into the concert I had high expectations, but after observing details of the event, I was a little disappointed. The purpose of the “Huntin,’ Fishin,’ and Lovin’ Everyday” tour was to promote Luke Bryan’s album (Kill the Lights), Brett Eldridge’s new album (Brett Eldridge), and Granger Smith’s latest album (When the Good Guys Win). The goals of the concert was spread awareness to crowd of these new albums and excite the public of the new music that would soon be released. The objectives were to play three new songs per artist before ending each segment between musicians. The target audience varied within each performer. Granger Smith used repetition of his hometown of Dallas to make the Dallas-born audience feel like his family, Brett Eldridge targeted women by pointing to certain women in the crowd between each song, and Luke Bryan targeted men …show more content…

While I’ve been to the Starplex Pavilion many times, the couple I sat next to were new to the scene, but figured the environment out very quickly. As you walk into the Pavilion, you are surrounded by numerous concession stands containing food and promotions (such as 99.5 the Wolf). While you continue to head towards you designated area for the concert, there are stands for blanket and chair rentals if you are planning on sitting on the lawn. This is very creative due to the fact that many attendees don’t enjoy holding onto a blanket or chair if they move around the lawn. The layout of the pavilion has a section to stand in front of the stage, seats that surround it on a lower level, and a large lawn that surrounds the seats on an upper level. The format of the event was thoroughly structured and beneficial to all

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