Spartan Governance Vs Athenian Government

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The Varied Foundations of Athenian and Spartan Governance. The city-states of ancient Greece each established unique forms of government reflective of their distinct societal priorities (Rothchild, 2007; Brand, 2010). In democratic Athens, all native-born adult males obtained full citizenship rights and the ability to directly participate in the high assembly (ekklesia) through open debate and voting on legislation (Rothchild, 2007). As Rothchild (2007) outlines, this inclusive system empowers the common people to have a say in decision-making. Conversely, Spartan citizenship was reserved for a select ruling elite. Only native Spartans from the dominant social stratum could formally take part in governance through advisory bodies like the …show more content…

However, as an exception, the strategoi generals were elected annually to head military operations (Rothchild, 2007). Sparta instead instituted a lifelong aristocracy, with the kings and gerontes senate members deriving their positions from noble birthright alone (Brand, 2010). In summation, Athens established a participatory democratic system open to native males, prioritizing civic involvement for citizens (Rothchild, 2007). Sparta developed an elite bureaucracy dominated by the highborn, with control centralized amongst Kings and nobles (Brand, 2010; Cartledge, 2001). Their divergent foundations reflect the dissimilar social structures and values prized within each poleis. The study of Athenian direct democracy and Spartan authoritarian rule provides key insights into political diversity in the ancient Greek world. Brand, P. J. (2010). The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. Athens & Sparta: Democracy vs. dictatorship? Cartledge, P. (2001). Spartan reflections. University of California Press,. Rothchild, J. A. (2007). The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. Introduction to Athenian democracy of the fifth and fourth centuries BCE.

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