Sparta Vs Athens Essay

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The Spartans and the Athenians both used clever strategies to try to win the war; the Spartans tried to defeat the Athenians by using a psychological strategy and an economic strategy while the Athenians used political and economic strategies. Sparta’s first strategy was to try and get Athens to fight them on land. Because the Spartans could battle on land very well, they tried to force the Athenians to attack them on land; they tried to do this by using a psychological strategy. The Spartans landed in Athens and burnt all of the fields, crops, and houses that were outside of the Long Walls. They hoped that this would be enough to cause Athens to fight, but it was not. While this strategy was unable to get a reaction out of Athens, it did cause …show more content…

First, all of the Athenians were put inside of the Long Walls. Next the strategos Pericles told the people to not fight the Spartans. This strategy was not a very good strategy. First, the Athenians knew that their houses and farms outside of the walls be burned by the Spartans, but they could not defend their belongings because Pericles wouldn’t allow it. This made the people very angry with Pericles, and he was eventually removed from power. Secondly, the fact that all of Athen’s citizens were forced into the walls made Athens very cramped. The high population density helped the Plague of Athens spread quicker; in fact, killed one-third of Athens population including many important soldiers and leaders, like Pericles. The Athenian’s second and third strategy both tried to psychologically attack the Spartans. The Athenians second strategy was to attack Spartan coasts. The Athenians hoped that Sparta’s allies would lose faith in Sparta’s ability to protect them due to these constant attacks. While this was a great plan, it did not work, for Sparta’s allies never gave up on Sparta. The Athenians third and most successful strategy was to go to Pylos, fortify it, and use it as a base, for Pylos was close to Sparta. The Spartans tried to get rid of it and started the Battles of Pylos. They sent troops out to try and destroy the fort and put ships around an island called

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