Spanking Social Problem

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A common social problem that must be addressed is parents using physical discipline or spankings as a way to punish or correct their children. To spank your child means to hit them any place on their bodies to correct the bad behavior. Spanking is a serious issue because parents are not aware of the affects of physical discipline on a child. The laws in most states are that parents are allowed to beat their children but they may not break skin or leave a mark. Many people do not understand the danger of spanking children, it can be damaging not only physically but also mentally. This problem relates to my area of interest because I would like to work within the Child Welfare aspect of social work. I believe that this issue is …show more content…

As results show it is more common that African American mothers spank their children in comparison to white women (Huang & Lee, 2008). Younger mothers under the age of 25 would spank children as compared to mother over the age of 25. Parents who were spanked will more likely use this style of discipline than those who weren’t, and also parents that are from the South and those of Christian faith, seem to use this style of discipline (Berlin, Ispa, Fine, Malone, Brooks-Gunn, Brady-Smith, Bai, 2009). Also it was more common for boys to be spanked before a girl. There also was a correlation with mothers who were in good health and had a good relationship with the fathers were less likely to spank children.
Spanking children can affect society as well by affecting the behavior of the child; spanking kids can have an effect on the behavior of the child (Levine, Rebekah, & Carnnao, 2014). Children may internalize and/or externalize behaviors. Some ways children will internalize the behavior maybe children become depressed, withdraw from others, changes within sleep patterns and many more. Children that are spanked before the age 1, do not understand why they are being spanked so they internalize behavior and are most likely to do the same the that was considered deemed for punishment (Maguire-Jack & Gromoske, 2012)

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