Spank Your Child

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Personally, my father did not choose spanking as a discipline tactic and for my mother, I only have faint memories of her spanking me until the age of four. Growing up, I have always feared my father more than my mother, but formed a stronger liking towards him. My father’s opinion over-powered my mother’s, and he never pressured me into doing things for the reputation of the family or my mother’s “bragging rights.” Because he worked from Monday to Saturday, 2pm to 2am, he was the one person I anticipated to meet. Waking up seven in the morning, he was the first face I saw, and when school ended, he was always on time, at the specific location needed to pick me up. I was well-behaved and never questioned my father’s authority, but at a young …show more content…

A hierarchy should be present in the relationship between parents and their children. In my opinion, because I was raised without the need of spanking, my children would not be spanked. Though every child is different, I agree that physical punishment comes with negative psychological issues (Phillips, 2016). I would use spanking if only my child did something unacceptable, but spanking would be a once or thrice situation. I would use any other discipline tips before allowing myself to spank my child. Especially with praise, it builds their self-esteem, but I would not reward them too often as it should be common sense rather than an action to be rewarded for. If my child throws a tantrum, most likely I will ignore them for a few minutes to allow them to calm down before speaking to them and explaining the wrong in their behavior (Barkley, 1998). Praising and enforcing positive behavior would be the most consistent action I would perform. When kids are young, they cannot read people like adults, so it is challenging to punish them, without them knowing their wrongdoing. Having a child of my own would tell me to be more open minded and to not allow my morals and way of thinking to affect his/her’s search of identity. Whether it be a phase or hormonal imbalance, your child is a reflection of you and how you have raised …show more content…

If the relationship is stronger, their feelings towards you would limit their actions and respect your boundaries. Having both parents around, they should be cooperative and be on the same basis when it comes to disciplining a child (Taffel, 2003). I define myself as easy-going and respectful, whether the age is apparent or not, because of my culture. We often have high expectations of our children and follow the authoritarian style of parenting because that is how we set the child for success. With my personal experiences, I rather be an authoritative parent who allows her child freedom and happiness in other things outside of home. My parents raised me with an authoritarian style with constantly checking on my grades, making sure I did my homework. Slowly when they both stopped working, they became more permissive and borderline neglectful. As I grew older, it was less expectant for me to be attached to my parents, but it increased as the attention and conversations lessened. Learning from their actions, I would be fully attentive with my children and consider their feelings. If my way of disciplining triggers a negative reaction out of my child, it shows that a change should be made. Raising a child should make you selfless and compassionate as they are a replica of

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